Chapter 42 - Wolf Cub

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In a room filled with material items of indiscernible worth, I found, of all things, a puppy. Of all the things mountain bandits could have in here, an animal was the last thing I would expect. I could only guess that maybe they had decided to sell it off like some exotic animal. Despite Oracle correcting me by detecting it was a wolf cub, it's own features were nothing like I've ever seen. Its fur was a sheen of red and gold that ended with two large fluffy tails on it's rear. The eyes it could barely keep open were slightly slanted; the slit pupils cloudy and unfocused. The body may be the same as a dog but it's features were much closer to a fox.

Ignoring the monsters of this world, the local fauna was very similar to home. Sure, there were a few noticeable differences but this was entirely new. I wasn't sure what to make of it. It was like beholding a liger in person. That feeling of a disconnect was happening in my head.

Regardless of its origin, the tiny being which could fit in the palm of my hand was very weak. Wounded, malnourished and dehydrated; it wouldn't take a veterinarian to know that this one wouldn't have much longer to live if direct intervention wasn't taken.

It didn't even notice when I removed it from its pathetic living quarters and placed it in my arm as I took a seat on one of the boxes nearby. I checked for any visible wounds and noted its gender as female. Nothing stood out fortunately so I decided to try healing the cub with a bit of magic. To my surprise, something was healed within her body as the spell left my hands. I could only guess there may have been some internal injuries; probably caused by the bandits rough handling.

With the wolf cub's body back in shape, the next problem would be how to re-hydrate her. With her pain gone, the cub seemed more coherent of her surroundings as it weakly turned its head towards my face. Just like my own, it didn't make any discernible expression; only acknowledgement of the situation.

With that, I try my luck getting her to take some water. Opening the Maw, I pull out a waterskin I have stored away. Just like food, I do take a few drips of water from time to time just for appearances and keeping up [Spiritual Attunement]. Before I left Haldin, I picked up a few odds and ends just in case I happen upon people who could use the supplies I have. I even made a first aid kit during my spare time--something I was surprised to find that wasn't sold anywhere I looked. With the prevalence of healing magic in the world, it seemed unnecessary but just having it was a familiar comfort for me. And I wanted options on hand just in case.

Placing the cub on my thigh, I dripped a bit of water onto my palm and let her drink from it. She lapped it up slowly at first but after a couple of minutes, she was soon placated after the sixth handful. I could tell she was slowly regaining her strength. For the final test, I grabbed some beef jerky from the maw and tore up a few small pieces for her to nibble on. She must have been starving since, unlike the water, she devoured it all greedily.

After her meal, she finally had a bit of strength to try to stand up on my thigh. Legs shaking, she could just barely get on her four feet before collapsing back on her belly.

"I don't think you're strong enough yet for that, little guy." I said to the cub endearingly, "Why don't we get out of here?"

It gingerly barked back at me in response to my words. I picked her up and cradled her on my forearm and chest as I started to walk back outside; her two tails wagging gently across my chest it could almost reach my face. I was quite surprised to see it take to me so amicably considering she was a wild animal.

She seemed excited to see the sun again for god knows how long as we stepped out of the mountain fortress. Her barks were loud and alerted the nearby adventurers as they turned to the sudden noise, only to see me holding the cub in my arm.

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