Chapter 16 - The Village

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The Guildmaster wanted me to check in with the village for information first. Before heading out for my assignment however, I made my usual resupply at the market. I decided to forgo pork and went for a bit of roasted chicken today. Wanting to mix things up a bit more, I also bought what appears to be some mix of an apple and a pomegranate called a Yufel fruit. Not like it matters. I just wanted a change in diet. And it also gave me the realization that I don't have a knife for utility use. I stopped by Grigor's smithy and made my purchase there. Three gold per knife. I bought two just for the sake of having a spare around.

Unlike most starting adventurers, I had money to spare for proper gearing. I've dropped nearly two hundred gold just for everything I have so far but I doubt this is the normal for regular folks.

Curious, I asked Grigor about it, "You're quite lucky, Arlan. You had Dmitri's head fall on your lap. Most of the guild's recruits come from the countryside or the slums. Usually from some family that doesn't have enough coin to feed them or a bad harvest. They come pouring right into town, geared with whatever rusted scraps they could cobble together or ill fitting equipment passed down from their parent's days. Most of them barely know how to hold their weapons."

"I know the Guild isn't responsible for us but that's a bit absurd to send them out to the forest for herbs if they're just going to be killed by wolves or monsters," I replied.

"Aye, that's why the Region Lord is giving us smiths a bit of relief in our taxes if we donate a few of our less substantial pieces to the guild," he says, "Of course, it could be just because he wants to give those things in the forest less food so they don't thrive. Less work for his soldiers patrolling the roads, if they were here that is."

I'd rather believe it's because they don't like the idea of dead kids. This country's government is similar to a feudal society. I'd hate to think their morals regressed back to those days as well. Maybe it's better I stay ignorant on this. I'm not going to ignore someone who's in need in front of me, at least. Even if some noble or king doesn't. I'd rather just keep my distance from them.

Heading out the south gate, I continued along the highway until I found a fork in the road that bordered the farmlands around the city. The path to the village was a mere wagon track compared to the highway's unpaved dirt road. It looks like the only people that visit were merchants and caravans looking to pick up a shipment of crops. The southern forest drew closer however as I followed the trail towards the north west. After Grigor's depressing explanation, having wheat fields on my right and an expanse of wild grass to my left did wonders to lift my mood. I watched them sway like waves in the late spring breeze.

My leisurely pace took me almost two hours until I arrived at the village. Over a dozen small houses surrounded the village square, with all of it's inhabitants either working the fields or doing some kind of vocation like weaving or smithing. The only people who weren't were several tiny children playing in the square.

Of course, everyone stopped what they were doing the moment they noticed my presence. A golem with a sword just showed up at their doorstep after all. Once I waved my hand in the air as a greeting, the tension seemed to disappear a bit. There was something else in the air though. Like I was being watched intently.

Ignoring it, I walked over to the basket weaver who was babysitting the children in the square. She didn't seem to know how to respond to the sight of me.

I decided to break the ice first, "Good morning, miss. I'm here for the request sent to the Adventurer's Guild."

She was still staring slack jawed at me even after I said my introductions. When she noticed her actions, she jumped a bit in her seat, "O-Oh, I haven't heard anything about that! But if you're here on official city business, our chief can help you. He works from his home over there," she points over towards the biggest house bordering the square. Of course, it's only slightly larger compared to the rest of the houses.

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