Chapter 49 - Amicable Treatment

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Embers from their small campfire sputtered and danced in the dusk wind. As the cool evening breeze raced through their camp, Lieutenant Nils could smell the fowls they had hunted just recently gently roasting next to the flame on their makeshift spit. He ignored his small team of subordinates commencing their evening routine around him. All he cared about was filling his belly and the aroma that wafted across his nostrils was causing his stomach to growl wickedly. It was the only pleasure he had to look forward to in this, what he considered, uncivilized back end of the world.

He looked down at the large metal container that he was sitting on. This, he proclaimed in his mind, was the cause of all his frustrations. Within lay a beast in the skin of men and what caused the deaths of a good dozen men along with grievous injuries to half another; the tomb-like box filled to the brim with Demanafication Chaff. Now his forces dwindled to just barely over three dozen. His benefactors, however, reassure him their sacrifices were necessary for the advancement of the Empire.

The Artefici, they call themselves. Officially named the Glavian Institute of Technology and Sacred Mysteries, the Artefici back in the Capital had a vested interest in great many things. Spirit Beasts, ancient technology, monsters and all other manner of unsavory ideas that Nils would rather leave buried in the earth or to some godsforsaken corner of it. An institute adopted from Albano; Glav's former neighbor and one of the few nations to the join them willingly. The Empire initially had their own robust research division but once they had joined hand with the Artefici, their progress began to go by leaps and bounds. Theirs was a voice had held much sway all the way to the Imperial Palace and the royal family.

The Lieutenant shook his head in disgust. They had already surgically installed one of their damnable devices inside his chest. Something that would allow them to track their location and provided bodily reinforcement, or so they claimed. He did admit that wounds did heal much quicker and pain became more tolerable. Even the recovery after surgery was only less than a week. Not even a scar was left to show where the incision was made.

The sound of footsteps took him out of his thoughts as one of his subordinates approached, giving a quick salute with his free and handing him a roasted bird meat in the other.

"Thank you, Corporal." Nils gruffed out the words; mind still heavy in reflection. He idly took a bite. The Corporal, however, remained where he stayed.

"S-Sir." He began, voice unsure, "Has there been any word from the Captain?"

Nils sighed, "None so far. But I'm sure when he does, he'll have orders at the ready. Just... go enjoy your meal with the rest of the unit."

The Corporal's expression turned to dejection "...Yes, Sir." He replied. His shoulders sank as he turned to walked back towards the campfire.

"One last thing, Corporal," Nils began. His subordinate turned on his heel, "Has the evening patrols left camp?"

"They're ready to go, Sir, as soon as all afternoon patrols return. One has returned but the other is running a few minutes behind..."

Concerning, he thought. While it wasn't unusual for a patrol to run a few minutes late, these were not normal circumstances. Everything right now is under the assumption that their existence is known when they learned about the mountain fortress' fall.

The lieutenant started to voice his decision, "Tell the patrols to start now. One mile perimeter in every direction and report here every hour on the dot. If anyone sees a local, they need to return immediately. Engagement only as a last resort."

The corporal gave one last salute before returning to relay the orders.

Nils watched him go about his way. Another thing to worry about, he thought. His men were on edge since the scouts returned this morning. The outlaw camp they contracted with had been wiped out to the last man. A fully manned fort, makeshift as it was, obliterated overnight. A force that reputed could be mustered nearby and be already alerted to their presence here. They were now in a compromised position but unable to move until ordered. Under stress, his mind began to recall the last few days bitterly.

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