Chapter 25 - Event

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The day of the expedition soon arrived. Me and Tessa asked Hina if she wanted to join us but she declined. They would soon depart back to Weiss and she needed to complete some unfinished business around the city before that happened. I bought at least a weeks worth of supplies before I rendezvoused at the Guild with the rest of my party at first light. Myself, Tessa, Erwyn, Aelinor and Johann were ready to go and we headed out through the north gate.

Compared to the plains that pervaded the southern reaches of Haldin, the northern area was quite hilly. From the horizon, I could see mountain ranges that stretched across my field of view. The soil here wasn't fertile enough for agriculture so a sea of wild grass flourished all around us.

By the time midday hit, we decided to take a break and have lunch just a bit off the road. Compared to the southern highway, not many merchants or travelers came from the north. Trade was apparently more plentiful with the southern countries of Weiss and Rigali.

I bought a few more fruits with me that I cut into pieces with my pocket knife along with some bread and jerky. It's times like these I wish I had a proper kitchen but eating on the go was something I was used to. Eating an actual meal wasn't something you'd do out in the field. It was just enough to fill your stomach and give you energy. Just the latter in my case, at least.

Erwyn and Aelinor were sitting away from us to discuss our training plans. Tessa and Johann sat next to me while we ate. He was asking me questions about what I wanted to find in those ruins.

"How'd you even find out there were parts for you in those ruins anyway?" He said while taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Oracle told me," I replied. I couldn't really tell him that it was the Goddess of Light. Even saying it was Oracle was a stretch and I could tell Johann was skeptical with the answer he was given. Nevertheless, he didn't inquire further.

"But you need those to get stronger? I mean, you're already strong enough, Arlan. But can't you just keep fighting monsters like the rest of us and level that way?"

"I can't, Johann. I have a cap on my level. The max for myself is ten." After that, my [Spiritual Attunement] levels can't go further.

He jerked up from his seat, "Ten!? But that's waaaay too low!" he turned to look up in contemplation, "The only level cap I've seen on things are on familiars. People don't have caps on their level, you know."

I turned away from my meal to look at him, "You saying you don't have a cap?"

Tessa engaged in our conversation, "He's right. Humans and the other races don't have a level cap. Technically, someone can become infinitely strong but that's never occurred before. I mean, you'd have to live forever and never age if you wanted to do that."

"Well, if you met that criteria, you'd technically be a god." I replied back. That's a scary thought. Though from what Guildmaster Kurtz told me, some of those S-Ranks seem godlike. One of them could make a small ravine with just a swing of her sword. It kind of blows my mind. That's way too much physical power for one person to have.

"You think what you'll find in those ruins will help you with that problem?" asked Johann.

"I dunno. Oracle says it'll help me get stronger. Maybe it's something that'll raise my level cap. For all I know, it could just be better parts for my body." I replied. All I could do is rely on the information I've received. Celecia seemed adamant in her letter that I needed to go here for the dangers looming ahead. Whatever I find, I'm sure it'll be useful.

We continued our small talk until we finished our meals and continued travelling. We slowed down a bit as the highway began to slope upwards farther into the highlands. Our pace picked up a bit as we took a left onto a small dirt path into a valley. It was early evening by the time we had reached our destination. In the middle of a valley sat a small lake. In the center was a small island with a metal tower a few stories high, reachable by a man-made bridge from the lake shore. That must be the dungeon entrance.

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