Chapter 9 - Look of a Hero

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Tessa and I exited the guild and headed back towards the avenue. The sun may have began to set in the sky but it was still prime time for shopping. We casually strolled down the street, as Tessa pointed to a variety of shops and stalls, recommending her personal favorites. Many of them seemed specifically to cater towards adventurers such as herbalists who used alchemy and outfitters. I was a bit skeptical on the alchemy part but she assured me it wasn't false. They really did have potions that cured wounds or treated poison and were perfectly safe. I guess they're not trying to create eternal life or have us drink mercury. Either way, I don't think I can consume their wares due to my body.

Tessa seemed to finally find what she was looking for and ushered me towards a tailoring shop. Inside there was multitudes of clothing and accessories on display. It was like stepping into a boutique.

Hearing the door open, a shopkeeper came in from the backroom to greet us.

"Welcome to my store, friends! Tessa! It's good to see you again. What can I help you with today?"

"We're here to outfit Arlan here with some clothes. Is Matthias available?"

"He's been finished with his last order for a while now. He can make you whatever you need. I'll take the measurements now while you talk about what your in the mood for."

He bids me to stand still and spread my arms out. Taking a measuring tape from his pocket, he begins his rounds of measuring the length of my body and extremities. Now that I think about it, I don't really know how people dress around here.

"Tessa, I don't have any idea what I should get."

"Hmm, how about something basic for now. A tunic, pants, belt, leather shoes, a cloak and a magic bag to carry your things. We'll leave buying more elaborate clothing for another time. Ooh, let me call Matthias over here. Hey, Matthias, it's Tessa~!"

Tessa seems pretty excited over all this. I guess she really likes shopping.

"O-Oh! Tessa, is that you, my dear?"

Another figure came out of the backroom. If it wasn't for the featureless human shaped head, I would have thought it was another person. What was in front of me was a craftman golem, dressed in a quite fanciful buttoned shirt, vest and pants. On the center of his face was one blue eye like camera. But there was something strange about this guy.

"I dare say you look quite smashing today, dear Tessa. Are you here for more articles of clothing or just browsing?"

"Nope, we're getting Arlan here his first set of clothes."

"Oh my, another crafting golem has been found?"

I figured it out. This guy was exceptionally British. Badly so. It was like watching a caricature. Even his accent sounds posh. Now that I think about it, everyone else sounds normal, maybe a slight tonal change in voices like with Hina but I think that has to do with her background. Do all crafting golems act like this?

"Matthias, right? I'm not a craftsman. I'm an intelligent golem made for combat."

You know the more I say it, the more it start to believe it so.

"Dear me, I didn't know there was such a thing! I do say you look quite different from the rest of us. A bit more, high tech perhaps?"

I still had a few questions I'd like to ask as well. I need to know how intelligent golems operate.

"By the way, Matthias. You're employed here, right? You're being paid to work?"

"Well, of course. We're no slaves here. I picked this place myself."

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