Chapter 34 - Spectacle

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The walk back to Haldin was still uneventful as we passed through the North Gate. The late afternoon bustle of the city greeted us while we traveled down the main avenue and returned to the Guild.

The Guildhall was filled with returning adventurers waiting in line to report and offer up their results. Erwyn and his group decided to rest for a bit at the lounge area while Tessa and I went over to Vella's counter to report to the Guildmaster.

She acknowledged us as we approached, "Oh! Welcome back you two! How was yo-" she jumped in surprise, "Arlan! You... look different than before. You're head looks a bit less, uh... square? And your arms and hands are much more human-like now!"

I nodded, "I found what I was looking for down in those ruins. If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to the Guildmaster. Could you tell him I'm back?" I asked.

"Oh yes, certainly!" she replies as she walks back over to the brass horn.

Some movement caught my eye where I noticed Tessa staring at my arms. I'm wearing a short sleeved tunic so my forearms were exposed for everyone to see.

"It's a bit different than what it was before, right?" I asked Tessa.

She put a finger on her chin, "Well, if you wore something with a long sleeve, I would have guessed you were wearing gloves. It's a big step up from what it was before!"

The deftness of my movements have dramatically increased now. Before it was just a metal skeletal-like hand. Now holding or using objects is a breeze now that my hands have a proper grip. Training my weapon skills should be much easier now.

The sound of a door swiftly opening upstairs brought back my attention. Guildmaster Kurtz proceeded to do his lazy walk down the staircase as he greeted us from afar. He looked behind him for a moment before he joined us with a sigh.

"Ah, you're back, Arlan..." he stopped rubbing his back to give me a considering look, "Hmm... you've definitely changed. You've filled out your clothes now. Before you just looked like some malnourished runt from the slums."

"My body's been improved, Guildmaster. I can't believe how much stronger I am now than I was before." I stated.

Kurtz gave me a sneer, "You can have all the strength in the world, boy. But it don't mean shit if you don't know how to use it! And you don't need to tell me. I can see it with [Mind's Eye]."

He's right. Even in this new body, I still doubt I could hold my own against the Guildmaster. I can't compare to a man who has decades of combat experience.

"But enough about that!" The Guildmaster said, "So... did you get some dungeoneering experience?"

"Well, here's the thing..." I began to explain the events of yesterday. The [Event], the golems that attacked us, the Centaurion. I... left out the part with the voice. That's not something I'm ready to share yet. Once I get a handle on the ability, I don't mind explaining it to Kurtz, at least.

The Guildmaster couldn't believe it, "That's suppose to be a beginner's dungeon but from what you described, you were fighting monsters that would be considered higher B-Rank. Maybe even A-Rank! I might have to reconsider keeping that place as a training ground now."

I shook my head, "It should be back to normal now. The [Event] only happened because I was there."

Guildmaster Kurtz rubbed his chin, "Maybe. For now I'm going to officially place it on quarantine while I try to get our high rankers to go do some runs. Those [Events] have a nasty habit of lingering even when it's been completed. I don't want newbies fighting something that even you struggled with."

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