Chapter 14 - Training

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With three extra bodies with me, travel time on the road was a bit longer. The mage, Johann, was a still in a battered state but ambulatory at least. I offered to carry him but he refused profusely. He should be less worried about his self esteem and more worried about his injuries. The Elf Hunter, Aelinor, kept a close eye on him as a result. My healing was a stopgap. Johann would need more effective medicine or just straight up proper rest. Erwyn, the warrior, was the least injured due to his armor. Using a long sword like me, I'm surprised he came out the way he did without a shield, especially with that mishmash of metal plates and leather gear. I could learn a thing or two about evasiveness from him.

We finally returned to Haldin and decided to report the matter of the Orcs directly to the Guildmaster. Entering the Adventurer's Guild, we walked over to the secretarial kiosk next to the stairs, the same desk that I had applied at when I first joined. The same receptionist was there today as well.

She noticed our approach and immediately greeted us, "What can I help you all with today? Oh, Arlan! Is this your new party? If I remember correctly, you're all a more experienced newbie group right?" she directed her comment towards my companions.

Erwyn spoke up, "Thank you for remembering us Miss Vella. We're here to see if the Guildmaster is available. We ran into some trouble when we were doing a quest in the forest and I believe he should know immediately. We found evidence there might be an Orc Sty somewhere there."

The receptionist, Vella looked worried, "D-Did you say a Sty? Oh dear, that could be trouble indeed... Let me call the Guildmaster."

She walked over to the wall behind her where a long brass pipe hanged. Speaking into the horn, she yells, "Guildmaster Kurtz, I have something that requires your attention. I have a group over here saying they have evidence that an Orc Sty might be in the forest south of here."

A moment passes until the Guildmaster's voice booms out from the horn itself, "W-What!? G-Give me a minute, I'll be right down!"

Didn't he sound a little too panicked? Vella answered my thoughts however, "Haaah~ I bet he was napping again... I gave him some overdue paperwork that needs his approval an hour ago. I bet he's barely touched it."

"I heard that, Vella! I may be old but I'm not going deaf just yet!" Guildmaster Kurtz exited his upper level office and lazily goes down the stairs, rubbing his back along the way. The old man probably fell asleep in his chair.

"Guildmaster Kurtz, have you done the paperwork I asked of you?" said Vella.

"Eh? You just need me to stamp them right? It'll just take me a moment to do that anyway," the Guildmaster was showing off his laissez faire attitude again.

Of course Vella was having none of it, "Some of those approvals are for expenses! You need to read them before we go over budget again!"

The Guildmaster just waves his hands at her dismissively, "Yes yes, I'll get right on that, I promise. Anywho, so you're the group who says they found an Orc Sty?"

"Not the Sty itself, Guildmaster. But we found three Orcs. They were definitely wearing crafted gear. No weapons other than whittled clubs though. We were only half a mile into the forest before we were ambushed by them," said Erwyn.

"It looked like they were just a scouting party, Guildmaster. In fact, we would have been killed if Arlan hadn't found us. He's quite the heroic golem," said Aelinor.

The Guildmaster turned his attention towards me, "Hoh, I was wondering why you were here Arlan. Did you ditch Tessa and decided elves were more your thing? I can assume by your voice that you're a man, right? Hina explained most things to me when we discussed your situation privately the other day."

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