Chapter 27 - Distorted Mirror

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I'm sure this place wasn't Earth. During my time recovering, I made the effort to learn what I could about this new world I was in. I spent time talking with Hina about the neighboring regions and poured over whatever maps were available. This world was small. Much smaller than Earth. The only thing similar was gravity but even then a planet this small would have much less of it. Even their moon was different. The laws of physics in place here was completely different.

'Like looking at a distorted mirror. It's still you but what you see isn't the real you. And it's the same for the person on the other side.' Tessa's words echoed back at me as we continued down through the fourth floor. Since I was waiting for my mana to regenerate back, we needed Johann to step in and take of them as he shot his own fireballs down the hallway. His stamina was better than mine when it came to casting but he couldn't maintain a barrier as well as Tessa could. Those rifles that the golems carried didn't fire bullets but super condensed mana. It really was like watching a sci-fi movie. No wonder I couldn't find a magazine. It was still weird seeing a rifle like I had shooting laser beams. It's like they took the idea of a gun but found out they couldn't make bullets so they went another way. But with out the problem of reloading, this new solution is more effective.

I don't think QA was prepared for a combo like this though. Their weapons were useless against Tessa's barrier. All Johann had to do was stick out his hand for a second and launch his spells. Those golems were nothing more than brain dead cannon fodder. They didn't even bother to change their tactics at all as Johann mowed them down with efficiency. I'm starting to think I was worried about nothing.

By the time we made it through the next staircase down, what awaited was a giant door looming over us. A single red ping was all that was left on my radar. It awaited us on the other side.

"This is the boss room. The monster we face in here is the most powerful creature the dungeon can create and what guards the treasure inside." Erwyn states nervously, "But... this [Event] is still happening. What would have been a lower class C-Rank monster could be something much stronger. We all need to work together as one if we want to leave here alive today."

We all shout in agreement. There was only one way out. No scuttling away from this. I grip my spear at the ready as the doors were pushed open... revealed a giant square room. Huh, I was expecting something more grand for a boss room. This place looked just like the corridors from before.

We marched towards the middle to meet our opponent as the doors shut close and locked behind us. A golem was there to face us. A golem who looked just like me. The soft light of the crystals that illuminated the arena reflected off it's polished steel carapace. But something was off. It looked... modified. Like I was staring at the latest model of myself. Compared to it, I looked like a rough draft.

Erwyn pulled out his sword, "Is this your brother, Arlan?" he said humorously.

"No brother of mine," I replied back, "So go ahead and have at it."

"I-It's almost like we're fighting you, Arlan." Tessa remarked behind us.

"Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if it could use my <Golem Arts>."

Aelinor began to nock her arrow, "I've seen what that fist of yours does to a living creature. Let's not get hit with that, shall we?"

The golem seemed to discern our intent as it's several eyes burned a bright crimson. Hot damn, that looks creepy! Is that what my eyes do when I get angry? No wonder that rescue group that came to the sty was so freaked out when they saw me.


The voice boomed around us again as the golem raised it's palm towards us.

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