Chapter 19 - Crimson

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The Orc Chieftain stood by the Sowmother as he watched the scene unfold before him. Something had attacked his camp. A strange metal man made the sky explode and jumped in to attack his underlings, cutting them down left and right. For someone to interrupt his Sowmother's feast deserves only death.

He peered into the front line and to his surprise discovered a golem is the one who had waylaid his camp. The Orc Chieftain knew of golems. Weak things made of wood or metal, shaped like weak humans that walk the ruins of their dead cities beneath the earth. To a powerful orc like him, they were nothing but a nuisance.

But how pitiful these lesser orcs are, he thought. Despite seemingly having the strength and numerical advantage, his kin were being butchered on the spot all by this one single golem. Even when they managed to pin it down and smash his body with their clubs into the ground, he would get back up again and continue it's assault.

Not even the waves of goblins they had sent after it did nothing to halt it's onslaught. He was only mildly displeased with their deaths. They were nothing more than tools to him, fit for only hard labor and easy meals. But goblin meat wouldn't sustain the horde he would create with the Sowmother.

He had found her a month ago in the hands of another orc. When he proved his strength by crushing his rival's skull, the Sowmother instead acknowledged him worthy to be her guardian. With his superior strength, he gathered many orcs under him to create his first army. But now this army was slowly being crushed by the intruder.

Of course, he didn't care much for them either. They too were weak in his eyes. He had gathered them under his rule but their sole purpose was to sacrifice their lives for the Sowmother and his plans. Some of the orcs have realized this and had started a retreat towards the camp's gate. His two lieutenants, however blocked their way, demanding the cowards to fight to their deaths or die by their hands instead.

His patience was running thin, however. The Chieftain could see the golem was severely damaged but was not relenting, even as his number's dwindled. His own lieutenants were forced to join the fray once they realized how few bodies were still left standing. They charged in, pulverizing it's body with their spiked metal clubs made by their goblin slaves. The golem's own sword was crushed by their weight. Despite it's lack of weaponry, the golem still continued to fight with it's fists, knocking one of his lieutenants down on it's back and crushing his throat with a powerful jab. His last lieutenant was able to land a surprise attack however, smashing the golem on it's side.

Laughing and snorting, the lieutenant lifted the golem's body in the air and began to pull hard on it's left arm. The sound of creaking metal filled the air as glowing, blue liquid began to seep from the metal frame and drip down from it's armpit. It's free arm flailed in the air as it tried to free itself from his grip. The Orc Chieftain thought highly of his underling though thoughts of possible betrayal began to creep into the chieftain's mind. He would need to watch this one. He might grow too powerful and challenge his rule. Maybe he should reward him for defeating this golem, he thought. The Chieftain, however, figured he would just force him to watch while he mated with the Sowmother. To show him the Chieftain was still the strongest orc.

One of the children next to him screamed, "Stop!! Let Arlan go!!"

The Chieftain took note of this. He began to wonder if they knew this creature.

To think this metal golem would be able to defeat his war band, he thought. But all it did was cull the weak orcs that followed him. He didn't care. The Sowmother was ready to give birth to his new litter of orcs. Children with his blood that would march towards the humans and feast on their corpses while they looted their city and raze it to the ground. And she will birth more for Sowmother wills it. Her thirst for the human children was overwhelming. He looked at the ones still in front of him. They were to be his tribute to the mother of his new litter.

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