Chapter 45 - Liquidation

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The late spring morning still had too much of bite for Mateo's taste. Wolf's Rest and the timberland forest surrounding it were just high enough in elevation that cold still nipped at him. His path outside of town was littered with the stumps of cut down trees that offered no protection against the chill winds. The middle-aged man didn't want to be here this early, in these conditions. The old wounds were gone, but the thought of them aching again from exposure to the elements frightened him.

Mateo continued down the muddied path made by numerous footprints and cut logs pushed and scraped across the forest floor. The sound of falling trees began to grow louder as he neared his destination. The path ended where it once again met the forest. A few groups of young men were encircled around the numerous trees in front of him, tools in hand as they each sawed their way through their respective trunks. They were just one team of the numerous woodcutters that called Wolf's Rest home. Mateo stood there, his arms slightly wrapped around his body in an effort to keep himself warm, until one of the men noticed him.

The woodcutter stared at him in surprise for a moment until he called out a name from within the other groups. Another man looked at his direction before moving his attention towards Mateo. The second woodcutter called another man over who was drinking out of his flask to take over his job as he began to walk towards the new arrival.

"Cousin Mateo!" he shouted with a smile as he moved to greet the adventurer. "S'good you come to visit me. How are you?"

Mateo grunted in displeasure, "I'm fine... Cousin." he spat the last word out with venom, "I'll be leaving again on an excursion later this morning. I came to see if we got any word from the family."

The man's expression changed from warm to one of exasperation. With his back turned, only Mateo could see the glare he gave to the adventurer, "I heard that you took care of a group of bandits camped nearby in the mountains. Did you get your share of the loot? I know Father's been awaiting a present for his birthday that's coming up."

Mateo didn't shy away from the man's sudden aggressive tone, "There were... complications. I found the perfect gift but it was in someone else's hands before I could find it myself. Maybe this new job will give me enough to buy it off him."

The man kept eyeing him sharply, "And what is this new job?"

"A trip back into the mountains. Maybe I can find something out there that'll give the finishing touches on dear old Uncle's present. It'll be coming with us too." Mateo began to turn away, "With that I'm-"

"Hold it." The woodcutter grabs Mateo's shoulder, "I have a message from Father."

Mateo vigorous rolls his shoulders to remove the man's grip on him before facing him once more, "And does dear old Uncle want?"

"He's changing the stock in his store back north. He wants help in liquidating most of his smaller products on the shelf. We're shifting to a much safer focus on our product line." His face went grim, "It was Grandfather's idea."

Mateo snorted, "We were going to do that anyway. Why bother telling me?"

"Because he's coming by in a few days to test out his new wares. And he wants you to come along. You can give him his birthday present when he meets up with you. Don't think we need any extras anymore. He wants something new and exciting. Grandfather says we have too many antiques already."

Mateo's face sank, "...Can he wait a few more days? I prefer to give him my present without anyone else around. It's... embarrassing."

The corner of the woodcutter's mouth turned into a cruel smile, "Don't tell me that's been on your mind? I'm sure Father will give you help in bartering for it. You know how good of a merchant he is. Not like the other merchants Grandfather sends around the lands. He has quite the tongue. And besides, Father wouldn't like it if you gave it to him late. He doesn't like tardiness, you know... especially after all the help Grandfather gave you at your time of need."

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