Chapter 7 - Checkpoint

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I gathered the bodies and lined them all up together by the side of the road. There was no point in dirtying everyone else's clothing with more blood. I'll ask Tessa to just spray some water magic at me later. The bandit leader especially was still leaking blood. Hina recommended we cut off his head and see if there was a bounty for it at Haldin. I've seen the videos of decapitation. I was shown them to be mentally prepared  before deployment but seeing it happen right now, even if it was a dead body already, was more gruesome than I imagined.

Then again, what I did to most of those bandits was extreme as well. I want to say that it was because I was enraged at them for threatening my companions but I'd be lying. I haven't been able to test my strength until now. At least I feel more confident in controlling my strength after this. Too late for these guys though. This was a battle for our lives and only thing that matters is that we survived. When you fight, you fight for the people to your left and to your right. Everything else doesn't matter. That's what they taught me.

Hina assured me since they were attacking us, we would be in the clear. No trial or proof of defense needed. They have magic and tools in this world to easily detect falsehoods and a person's criminal acts apparently. It seems too convenient but considering the laws of physics that work in this world, I'm not surprised in the slightest.

With the last body placed, Hina chanted her spell. The bodies were swallowed whole into the earth, no trace in sight. I had collected some stones in the meantime and prepared a small pile of them right where the new patch of dirt was.

"Did you make a grave for them, Arlan?"

Kleid seemed confused at my actions.


"But why? They're bandits! Who knows how many people they've killed before us! They don't deserve anything!"

"It's less for them and more for myself."


"Closure. People are dead. I'm making peace with this so I can move on."

"I... I don't get it."

"Listen Klein, I don't want to bring all "this" with me forever. I just took these lives and this is my closure for it. Making this headstone."

"It's just weird to be doing this for bandits, you know."

"I get where you're coming from. It seems like I need a bit more respect for the dead these days. I've been fighting even when I was alive, Kleid. I died fighting. And look at me now. This is my afterlife and I'm still fighting people."

Kleid just stood there in silence.

"The day isn't over yet Kleid. But at least tomorrow's gonna be a new day. A fresh start."

Leaving it at that I walk towards Tessa and the carriage. I could see her troubling look again. Out of everyone I think my actions shocked her the most. She must of had an image of me in her mind. She saw me, the golem and the human spirit inside it, but she didn't see the soldier.

Tessa hosed me down with water magic while Hina was talking to the merchant we saved. In her gratitude, she asked if we wanted to join her travelling the rest of the way to Haldin. It'd cut our travel time in half travelling in that carriage and we'd reach the city before noon.

Once we were all accounted for, we hopped into the carriage and set off towards our destination. I'd think it'd be best if I sorted everything out with Tessa now.

"You alright? You got that worried look again, Tessa."

It seems I interrupted her in half-thought. She jerked up a bit in her seat at the sound of my voice.

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