Chapter 48 - A Violent End

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Barely twenty feet away from me was the largest wolf I've ever seen. It was the sight of something out of a taxonomy book of ice age animals. Whatever it was, it was staring daggers right into me. I swear I could feel its rage radiating outwards and penetrating into my core. I could barely move an inch of my body and I wasn't sure why. There was a sense of dread rising in my thoughts and it felt, in the best way to describe it, unnatural. Not like the other times in my previous life or in this one. It was as if something is forcing me to feel this way, like i had no other choice in the matter.

[Warning! Hostile target's [Intimidation] skill is affecting this unit. Caution is advised.]

Now there was something terrifying. I knew magic could be used to affect the world physically but I didn't know it could extend to affecting a person psychologically as well. When it comes to the inner workings of my new home, I still didn't know squat. If I survive this, I'll have to consider Hina's offer on teaching me more than my layman's understanding of magic.

"You..." the wolf suddenly spoke as he began his slow approach closer to me, "You're no mere Human, are you...?" his voice was a low growl, tinted with just a splash of curiosity.

Doing my best to struggle through the oppressive atmosphere the Wolf Lord was generating, I yell, "My name is Arlan and I'm a golem adventurer working with Wolf's Rest. We've killed the bandits that attacked you and kidnapped your child. I'm working for the authority of the town who worships you, to return your child home."

I wasn't sure if my plea reached his ears. His aggression dropped only slightly but my mobility didn't return. He began to pace slowly in front of me; those yellow eyes of his examining my person from head to toe.

"Interesting..," his voice rumbled softly, "This one belongs to the Righteous Dead but not tied to a place of power. What irony the Gods have to bound this one to a corpse!" He let out raunchous laughter, turning up his head as if he were letting out a howl.

Whatever he was going on about, his [Intimidation] stopped. My hands went back down to my sides as I let out a relieved sigh out of habit. "Thank you for hearing me out first, Lord Hoektan." I said, giving him a small bow. I should try to be respectful to the most extreme Forest Park Ranger I've ever met.

He bared his sharp teeth in what I can only assume would be a grin, "Forgive me for my contentious introduction. As you can see from my ravaged body, I've had annoying pests in my forest as of late."

"Well, that's one thing you don't have to worry about anymore." I reply

"Of course, I had other reasons as well. Though we share patronage with the Maiden of Light, one must still be cautious of the Consecrated Ones. Death does nothing to waiver their zealotry and many are quick to act in their duty. You are the first I've seen who willingly roams the earth."

"Really? I haven't met another Consecrated Spirit yet. I've only been alive again for only a few months." I remarked.

His eyes began to look deep into me once more, "Indeed. I could say the same for one such as you. I had caught the scent of a familiar human, one that has been long dead. Imagine my surprise to see you wielding his spear in his stead." His gaze turned towards the wolf pup and with a softened voice, "Little one..."

The wolf pup who was looking at us behind my leg walked forward and barked.

The Wolf Lord hung his head low, "In your hour of need, my own primal instincts overcame me and left you abandoned into their villainous hands. I've failed you as a father. With a heart filled heavy with shame, I've come to beg you for clemency. Will you forgive this foolish and cowardly old wolf?"

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