Chapter 28 - The Centaurion

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Standing in front of us was now was a centaur-like golem; built like a tank and towering above us two stories tall. In its hand held a colossal sword that it wielded with ease. Several crimson eyes stared down at us in cold consideration as he hefted his blunted blade to rest on its shoulder.

This thing is supposed to be our final challenge. It seemed to be leagues above our last battle. I looked behind me at the rest of my group. They all kept stern faces but fear and fatigue cracked through the façade. Even Erwyn's usually hot-blooded demeanor was breaking.

Even I couldn't help but think nihilistically. Back in Haldin, I was able to take on any realistic threat. But here, I was just as mortal as the rest of my party. My own natural constitution provided me no benefits against their superior armaments. I might as well be flesh and blood again. I can only imagine what the rest of them were thinking.

There were only two choices now. Live or die. I pull out my spear as the rest follow suit.

"W-We're really going to fight that thing, huh?" Erwyn's voice cracks a bit as he stands next to me.

Aelinor nocks her bow, "The only way out is through it. Even if it's impossible, I'm not going to lie down without a fight!"

Tessa steps forward, "We'll win this!" Tessa's voice was filled with conviction, "All of us are coming back home! Together!" Her time here has given her some confidence. The nervousness she had since we first met had slowly evaporated during our time together. Well... at least in battle.


The Centaurion began its charge.

"Everyone, spread out and attack it from all angles!" screamed Erwyn.

The group scatters around the Centaurion as I meet its charge with my spear in hand. It swings down at me with its gigantic blade and smashes the ground. The shockwaves created makes me unbalanced as I tumble across the ground, even as I dodged its swing.

I get back up in a fluid motion and stab at its sides with my spear. Even with me scraping together whatever ounce of mana I could pour in; all I could do was make puncture holes into its armored skin. Nothing more than flesh wounds. Erwyn couldn't manage any better on his end. His poor armaments did little against it. I can do now is keep its attention towards me.

Arrows and spells of all types began to rain down upon the Centurion. Free from the restraint of being indoors and our enemy's size, they were able to cast their magic without worry. Try as they might, however, they couldn't break through the Centurion's tough metal carapace.

We were like kids trying to hit a trolley with sticks and rocks. Nothing we did could wound this beast. I still had a speed advantage over the Centaurion. Its slow but powerful attacks couldn't find its mark as I weaved around him, taking whatever potshots I could. But without something that can deliver a definitive blow, we were locked in a battle of attrition.

Tessa wasn't giving up though, "Cover me!" she yells.

She raises her staff into the sky with a chant as a purple magic circle, the size of which I've never seen, began to rotate around her.

"T-Tier 5 magic!? I thought you said she was practicing Tier 4!?" Johann shouts in a surprise.

She is. Tier 4 spells were what should could practice safely. The fifth tier was still too dangerous for her to cast. But without any options left, this was the only choice she could make.

The Centaurion had unfortunately noticed the spectacle and prepared to charge towards Tessa.

"Nnh!" before it could start its charge, I grab hold of its armor. It drags me away as I try to scamper up onto its back. It stops midway and begins to buck wildly in place while I continue my movement towards its humanoid torso where Oracle states it could pinpoint the mana radiation coming from its core. With my spear in hand, I thrust as mightily as I could, desperately hoping each stab would finally pierce through as the puncture wound begins to widen.

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