Rooms you shouldn't enter

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Hallways are supposed to have a wall at the end of them, a way that stops you from going any farther than you needed to go. In the factory, there were no liable walls but rather more doors and more twist and turns. Hallways that felt like they went on forever and ever and if you weren't taught how to navigate them you are were meant to be lost. Taylor wasn't truly taught where to go but instead where not to go. Only a hand full of rooms was she allowed to enter and only a handful of places she was allowed to stay. Even so, she wandered around opening every door that piques her interest, popping a head in for a quick look before leaving. 

There was one room that she always shook with ambition to open but, could never bring herself to step forward and pull the handle. Instead, she would just stand in front of the large gold lined french doors with the beautiful engraved 'W' on its panels. The doorknobs have sphears on them with a black and white swirl that wrapped around them tightly. Her hands itched with the want of grabbing the knobs and pulling. Every time she would work up the courage to do so, something would tell her not to and to leave amenity. And she would. Grabbing the sides of her work uniform dress coat and high tailing it away from the door.

This would go on for weeks when she had nothing to do. It wasn't that she didn't know what the door leads to, she did, in fact, that's the real reason she wanted to open it. You could tell a lot about someone from their bedroom by the colour of the walls to the furniture layout. Taylor couldn't say she knew much about her boss other than what he allowed her to know. His bedroom was extremely private to the point it made her hold her breath even imagining what laid on the other side. A month had pass and Taylor's door gazing was now taking a toll on her. She was embedded to be a nosy person by default and she couldn't help her running curiosity. She had an idea to ask one of the Oompa Loompas for their help but then she knew they would tell on her. The idea of punishment never crossed her mind until then and she rather not be on the receiving end of Wonka everlasting rage (drop).

Three months of constantly having to walk past these doors to get to her room were working up a fire inside of Taylor; begging to be let out. Grinding her teeth she stumped her foot in annoyance and dropped the papers she was carrying on the hallway floor and turned to the doors. She was getting in there no matter what it costs or what punishment that came her way. This was selfish and violation of piracy and that was the best part of it all! Who was this man and why was he the best at what he did? Who was this man and why was he so mysterious? Who was William H. Wonka? Taylor was just going to peep inside for a bit , better yet, she was only going to look around and take in as much as she could and hurry back to work. With no warm-up or perk talk, she reached out a hand and gripped the doorknob and tugged on it.

Of course, it was locked. 

She pulled on it a couple of more time just to register what was happening. Letting out a big sigh she knotted her eyebrows and rubbed her eyes under her glasses.

"Why wouldn't it be Taylor, it's not like he wouldn't know you would try to get in." Taylor gently shook her head and reach down to pick up the mess of papers that laid at her feet. Picking up the last remaining slips the left door creaked open. It was locked just a few seconds ago and now it was open and begging her to enter. "Don't go in you'll regret it, I swear." She told herself as she stood back up. Looking both ways down the hall and back at the doors she gave a nervous smile and shrugged her shoulders.

She used her foot to push the left door open father to look inside, it was dark, save for the light coming from the hallway behind her. She looks down and saw the hardwood follows converted into a deep red carpet. She took one step in and felt the burning rush wash over her as her heart start beating faster and faster. She walked farther into the room noticing the large bed in the middle of the room. It was beautiful, regal with deep maroon sheets and comforter that had slightly lighter swirled pattern across it. Around the bed were thin curtains that close off the rest of the room and Taylor couldn't help but smirk.

"What is he? A princess?" She turned to the left as she noticed more light coming into the room. There behind a matching regal couch and coffee table was a bay window that looked down into a garden she had never seen before. She walked towards the window, dropping the papers on the table so her hands could be free. Placing both of her hands on the window as she looked down to the greenery. All sorts of flowers arranged in a colour chart of sorts. They were stunning and Taylor could get lost in the assortment, if not for the sound of the door close and something coming towards her in her reflection. The cane came first before the gloved hand and then the man himself. Taylor quickly took a breath and straighten her back refusing for him to see her scared. She knew what was going to happen when she got caught. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

"They are beautiful aren't they?" He didn't sound annoyed but rather unbothered.

"They are, how come I never known about a garden?"

"Because." Taylor hated when he purposely gave her bullshit answers.

"Because?" She turned around and was met with the handle of his cane already pointed under her chin. Taylor gulped and looked away from him as she slowly started to panic. Wonka wasn't someone that was particularly scary when you looked at him. He looked like a grown man in too many colours with an outdated tophat. A bit of a mad hatter without all the mercury. His fear factor came from how weird he was and the fact you couldn't pinpoint what kind of loony he could be. And also his eyes were not normal. They were the shade of purple that could send you to sleep like lavender or wake you up from how they glowed.

"Because. Now, I could have sworn I said something about not wandering, didn't I?"

"Yeah but tell me when have I ever listen to you." Wonka's breath hitched and he narrowed his eyes. Taylor smirked and leaned forward to rest her head on the tip of the cane. This was the game they played every day. She would step out of line and he was ever so loyal to putting her back. Taylor knew her limitations of how far she could go, just encase she was truly standing on thin sheets of chocolate. Wonka raised an eyebrow as she stared back as if she was challenging him. Taylor couldn't say a word as the cane was yanked from under her chin and she fell forward, she stumbled but was quickly turned around to be pushed up against the window. The handle was now pushed against her midback keeping her in place. She knew all too well what he was going to do.

"Could I just get double the paperwork instead? I promise I'll stop wandering."

"I never liked liars, I normally get rid of them but for some reason, I always chose to let you stay." He replied in a 'matter of fact' manner.

"I'm starting to think you actually like me," Taylor said as best as she could with her face pressed against the glass. Wonka let out a high pitched 'ha' followed by a deep chuckle.

"You wish."

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