Grand Prince Advice

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Wonka never left his room despite the nagging in his head, he fought back against the tugging feeling of finding Taylor. He wasn't ready to face anyone, he couldn't, the sheer thought of it made him uneasy. When he thought about meeting up with his brothers, he remembered their fun time drinking. Would he still be able to have that now that he was whole? He became flustered with butterflies when he remembered almost kissing Taylor and even more tongue-tied and hassled with his indecent activities. He could tell himself how terrible it was and how he wasn't in the right mind when it was done, but who was he kidding. It felt good-great was a better word. Wonka ran his hands over his face and fell into bed, bring the covers over his head to hide. He would do this some other time when he could think straight for more than two minutes.


Where did the week go all of a sudden? It was just Monday, then Wednesday, and now it was Saturday afternoon. Willy hadn't come from his room in the past few days, and Taylor had started to become worried. The previous two dinner's left everyone in arms about what was going on. When Taylor past by Wonka's bedroom and knocked calling for him, no one would answer. She thought about having one of the little workers unlocking the door so she could get in. But then the thought of the mean Wonka yelling at her had her retract that idea. This Saturday the brother's would be leaving, Wilfred had to go back to America and Wesley had received a wedding invitation from the Grand Sultan of Asgoneira.

"I met him when I was travelling in the middle eastern dessert. He thought I was William and also wanted a chocolate palace. When he found out I wasn't, he was still impressed with my work. Sometimes I travel with him when he goes on a random escapade. He tells me I make the trips much more meaningful, he flatters me so. Half the time I make things up as I go!"

"I think he does more than flatter you, Wesely," Scarlet said through bits of her food. Taylor laughed, and Wesley looked for Wilfred to explain. His eldest brother left him as he was as he turned and sipped his drink and carried on with dinner. Wesley huffed with a pout as he took a bite of his food. If no one was going to tell him, he refused to keep asking. Taylor brought a hand up to his arm and pat it a couple of times in comfort. Wesley rose his brow and drop them in acknowledgement and shook his head. They carried on with conversation until they heard the door of the dining room open. Everyone turned to the sound and were surprised to see Wonka standing there with his hat in hand.

"May I join you?" He spoke nervously, the silence as everyone looked at each other made him feel even worse. Taylor then reached across to the middle of the table and rung the bell. Three Oompa Loomps came from out of the walls pulling out the chair at the front of the table and setting a plate. Wonka gave a weak smile and patted over to his seat. No one knew what to say to make the tension go away, but it was clear something needed to be said before Wonka regretted showing up.

"William, you came to dinner," Wesley sign happily. Wonka looked over and bathed in Wesley keenness. It was odd for someone to be so happy to have him around that wasn't apart of business trade.

"I figured since it was your last day here, I should see you off with a proper dinner."

"Family dinner," Wilfred corrected him with a side-eye. Wonka swallowed and thought for a moment and then agreed. Those words sounded foreign, a steady foundation of what a family should be. Wonka knew this was it, but the right feeling of being apart of it was still missing. "I'm happy you came William." Wilfred continued with a grin. The corners of Wonka's lips tugged upwards as his heart flopped about in his chest.

"Wait a minute," Taylor said eyeing Wonka up and down for a moment trying to figure out why something felt off. Wonka didn't like it and gave her a nasty look back with the cock of his brow. When he did that she chuckled winked at him. "Well, I'll be damned. Willy and Wonka both came to dinner. It's a pleasure to have you whole again, Sir."

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