Wishing on Stars

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"I just think that the villains are better than the actual princess and heroes. Like, come on, name on villain song that isn't a bop."

"Diddle Dee Dee from Pinnochio. That was the very first Disney villain song, and it is NOT a bop." Benji crossed his arms and shrugged smirking at Taylor. Taylor's mouth hung open for a moment as she tried to think of the song, but it just wasn't coming together. Benji laughed at her confusion and Taylor brushed him off. Not everyone was a completely Disney freak to know everything. The duo had somehow made their way to the front of the park and chose to take the train ride around the whole area. Taylor thought it would be fun and Benji only nodded in agreement as they boarded. They sat in the very front right behind a little girl and her mother, who looked very tired yet grateful to finally be sitting down. The voice over the intercom pressed on with fun facts and information about the train and the park, but Taylor and Benji were lost in their own conversation.

"I don't know that one but like whatever. At least we can agree that Hades should have had a song." Taylor said confidently flipping her braids behind her as the wind started to pick up.

"Oh yeah, totally. He was cheated out, and I know for a fact he would have the best song. That's up there with Yzma. They legit had Eartha Kitt as her voice actress, the least you could do was give that purple lady a song!" Benji shook his head in disappointment. Taylor nodded leaning back and crossing her arms over her purse in her lap. The whole time she has been with Benji she hadn't checked her phone or thought about Wonka. She forgot all about him when Benji and her started ride hopping and cutting through secret pathways to cut across the park. He told her she didn't have to worry about getting caught since his aunt worked there. The staff knew him well, and he could pass Taylor off and another family member visiting. They had a great time getting to know each other. She had told him that she was there on a business trip and Benji found it a bit weird at first but later brushed it off.

"I wish my job let me wander around Disney while they talk about business things. Starbucks only allows me to snag cups and mugs before they hit the shelves. Lucky me." He told her sarcastically.

The train was now coming to a stop at the Great Frontier station, Taylor looked at Benji to ask if they were getting off and he shook his head. Taylor smiled and turned back to watch as they passed by.

"Name the best villain song in three...two...one."

"Hellfire!" Taylor proudly proclaimed.

"Be Prepared!" Benji yelled back just as boastfully. They looked at each other for a moment, and Benji rolled his neck and knotted his eyebrows with a smirk. "You can't be serious? That song is so grossly, and Frollo was such a pedo." Benji brought his hands up to his face and moved his fingers like spider legs. Taylor shook her head and rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh please just because I was sexually awakened by a lion doesn't mean that's the best song." Taylor made sure to whisper her response so the mother nor little girl in front of them wouldn't hear her. Benji looked towards them and then back and covered his mouth so he wouldn't laugh too loud.

"Be Prepared is a classic that anyone would agree is the best song ever."

"Wanna bet?"

"What?" Benji smiled at Taylor, and she sat up cockily.

"Wanna bet? If we can find three people to say that Be Prepared is the best song I'll give you twenty dollars." Taylor opened her purse and pulled out the bill, and Benji narrowed his eyes.

"Deal!" Taylor nodded and pulled the end of her dress up so she could turn around to the seat behind her. Two women who were dressed up like the Airel and Tinker Bell colourwise.

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