Stay With Me

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Taylor kicked and screamed as the guard threw her out the room, she yelled for Wonka and saw the fear in his eyes as the door closed in front of her. Miss Jae seemed to be shaken up too but not as much as Taylor. The other lady wasn't manhandled like her and was even gently guided out the door.

"What's going on?" Taylor spun around nearly tripping on her dress. The earpiece had gone out, and the last thing she heard was Scarlet asking the same thing. The other woman seemed completely unphased, a matter of fact she seemed as stoic as a statue. The Korean woman looked towards Taylor and rolled her eyes before putting on a fake smile.

"Don't worry your date is just making a deal with mine, why don't we just go back to the party for now?" Miss Jae had done a complete personality flip. The scared and shy woman that had greeted them and brought them to this room was now replying lipstick ever so slowly and fixing her hair. Taylor got the sense Miss Jae was unaware that Taylor wasn't actually an escort. So the girl played into it as best as she could while trying to figure out how to get back into the room.

"But he told me to stay by his side all night." Taylor closed in on herself and looked as confused and scared as possible. Jae knotted her brows, reaching for the girl and pulling her in by her shoulders.

"Don't worry, he'll be out soon, and you can go back to sitting on his lap. Now come on, we can go back to the party and enjoy ourselves" Jae sounded very reassuring, but Taylor knew better than to believe it. Wonka was the only person she knew here, and she'd be damned if she wasn't standing next to him the whole time. There was no way in hell she was getting snatched up again and no way in hell she was about to get past around like a hooker.

Taylor slowly nodded, looking back at the door secretly promising she would come back and break it down. When they got to the elevator, Jae gave the girl another smile and pressed the button that went back up to the party. Time felt like it slowed down as Taylor told herself she had to not be scared. This was the only time she had to prove to herself she wasn't going to break down and cry. This was one big set up, and there was no telling what was happening in that room. She couldn't hear Scarlet, which meant she was alone and needed to get out. Taylor had to get her earpiece to work again so she could at least hear Scarlet, all she needed right now was a little comfort just get her into the right mindset.

Stay by my side

Taylor repeated the words over and over in her head imaging Wonka saying it himself. She said it out loud, and Jae turned around with an 'uh?'. Taylor looked the woman in the face and punched her straight in the nose. Miss Jae stumbled back knocking into the button panel and stoping the elevator. Taylor stumbled forward but caught herself on the railing as Jae fell to the floor, gripping her nose. Taylor gripped the sides of her dress and held them up as she stood over the woman and kicked her in the face. Taylor reached down to grab the woman her ponytail tightly and spun the woman around then placed a knee on her neck. Miss Jae was terrified and tried to get out of her hold, but there was no use.

"Okay pretty lady here's the deal," Taylor said, adding more pressure to the woman's neck to stop the squirming. "You really got me fucked up thinking you and that kpop gangster were going to set up my boss. I got all dressed up for this party and yall deicide yall wanna play nasty." Taylor reached into her dress to pull out the pistol. She clocked it and placed it against Jae's head. "I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your head, but I will make sure it's not entirely in enough so I can reshoot you. When I let you up, but you and I are going for a ride." Taylor got off the woman but still had a tight grip on her ponytail. She used the end of the gun to start up the elevator again, but now it was going to the first floor. Taylor took to remember there were only five floors. There weren't any cameras after the third floor, which meant if she had to kill this woman and drop her off, she could.

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