Magical Places

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Hot. That's all it was when the jet landed, and the duo made their way to a parked Disney escort car a few feet away. Taylor managed to keep her complaining to herself for the time being. She knew the last thing Wonka wanted to be hearing was her bitch about the weather. He was tried, he stayed true to not sleeping during the flight, and now he looked like he was about to fall over. Wonka had already gotten in the back of the sleek black car, Taylor stayed behind to make sure all their luggage was off the jet.

"Thank you, Billy, make sure when you and Tezla fight back to England you don't wreak the plane. He would have a hissy fit." Taylor winked at the two small workers and waved goodbye. Once inside the car she looked over at her boss and smiled, he was asleep leaning against the window, slightly snoring.

"Is everyone ready to go?" A deep warm voice called from the driver seat, and Taylor snapped her attention forward. A pair of old blue eyes smiled at her from the rearview mirror. Taylor smiled and nodded, and the man started the car and pulled off. The car ride thankfully was short, they had arrived late into the evening, so traffic was minimum for where they were going. Taylor had been to Florida only a few times when she still lived in the states. She had never been to Orlando though, it was new and beautiful, it indeed was a unique setting. Taylor noticed the sun well beyond the horizon, emitting a beautiful ombre of dark and light blues while the stars peeked through. Tylor tried her best to find constellations, but with the car moving through palm trees and buildings she failed. She enjoyed her little game anyway. When the car started to slow down, she rolled down her window to stick her head out to look around. They had arrived at a luxury, extravagant resort that you only saw on late-night commercials. Speechless was all Taylor could function to be as she looked at all the beautiful creme outer decore.

"Where are we?" She asked aloud.

"The Four Seasons Resort. Mrs Disney said this is where you'll be staying." The driver replied, pulled around the circle drive to the front entrance. Taylor quickly unbuckled to go in and tell the front desk they had arrived and get the keycard, but a hand shot out and stopped her from unfastening her belt. She looked up to a half awaken Wonka undoing his seat belt and opening the door. He didn't have to say anything for Taylor to know she was to stay put.

In those few minutes, he was gone Taylor sat back in her seat and twirled her thumbs.

"I've driven Wonka all around Flordia for the past ten years. he never once brought a guest with him." The old man in the driver seat said. Taylor wasn't sure if he was trying to make small talk because of the silence or being nosy. Taylor played it safe and chuckled.

"Oh, I'm his new assistant. Haven't worked with him that long."

"Aren't you a bit young to be his assistant?" The man turned around and eyed Taylor. She knew he didn't mean it to be degrading but more so curiosity.

"Um well yeah, I suppose. But he picked me out of many, so I believe I'm special." Taylor brought her hands up to her face and pushed at her cheeks slightly. The old man thought about it for a moment and smiled and nodded turning back around tot he front. Just then, her door opened, and Wonka held out his hand. No matter where they went, he always held out his hand for her to take. This time it felt special, it meant something even in secret. Taylor got out around heading to the back of the car to get her bags, but bell boys were already loading up their carts.

"I'm so used to getting my own bags." Taylor huffed and smirked.

"That's because you have no class," Wonka playfully teased and walked past her.

"No! it's because I don't have money to throw at other people to carry my things." Taylor rolled her eyes and followed Wonka into the building. The walls were creme and golden, high to the heavens and shimmered from the large crystal chandeliers that hung ina line down the middle. The floors were marble with a square pattern, polished to the point you could see yourself. A girl in a skirts worst dream, but a curious man's wonderland. The staff nodded a Wonka walk past them. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Wonka stayed here when he visited. He didn't have to ask for anything since someone would have it ready. There was a grand staircase, and people walked up and down it in beautiful gowns and suits. Taylor noticed that a few people looked at her oddly, she thought for a moment then looked down. There wasn't enough time to register the embarrassment that came over the girl. She was dressed in black shorts plus a graphic t-shirt with fuffy black house slippers. Her hair was tied up with her braids out of their buns swinging behind her. She hung her head and sped up behind her boss, hoping they would get to the room quickly. When they got to the elevators, Taylor never wished harder that it was the glass death trap to come and swoosh her away. This was clearly not a family-friendly resort, this was the type that only big money could afford. Taylor was not big money what so ever, never had been and never will.

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