Wesley Joziah B. Wonka

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July 8th, 1980

Was it the sound of the USSR testing underground nuclear weapons, or the sound of an eighteen-year-old Disney employee screaming for her life as she was crushed to death that made that summer day in Maine so gloomy. It was a Monday, nine in the morning when the sun was supposed to come up, that Wesley was born and wrapped in a green blanket to be given to his mother. He was born with a head full of blonde curls that browned at the ends. He didn't cry nor made the usual baby noises, he was silent even when the doctors slapped his butt. He would sleep for the next three days while he stayed at the hospital. He would stay quiet until days later when his mother called his older brothers into their parent's bedroom to meet him.  It was only when he was handed to his eldest brother, Wilfred who was 6, would he open his and coo a sweet tone. Then the tears came when he was handed to his middle brother, William who was 5, with the violent purple eyes. William didn't like the sound of the baby crying, his confusion translated into anger and he held the baby away from him.

"Stop it, stop crying, stop!" William yelled.

Mariette, their mother, took the baby back into her arms and patted William's head and told him it wasn't his fault. William started to cry and ran out of the room while Wilfred stood there gripping the sleeves of his school uniform jacket. He was nervous, he wanted to help his mother like he always did but didn't know how. Mariette turned to her eldest son and smile, Wilfred held out his hands doing a 'gimme' motion. Mariette wasn't sure what her eldest thought he could do but she played along and handed him his brother. When Wesley was carefully tucked into Wilfred's small child arms he stopped crying. Mariette held her breath at how fast the baby pacified and seemed to relax back into a soundless sleep. Wilfred couldn't help but stare at his new brother, wondering how the baby worked, how a baby functioned. He was only one with William was born and they had grown up together. He never got to hold him like this, William was never stayed still enough to be held and Wilfred never got to touch him since he hated it. 

"I guess he can tell you aren't as nervous as William." Mariette leaned down and kissed her son's forehead and guided him over to the bed to sit down with Wesley. Wilfred could only nod at what his mother said; the baby was so small yet so big and heavy, how was Wilfred suppose to hold him for a long time? Wilfred finally broke his trance from the baby and looked at his mother with wistful eyes.

"He has no teeth. Mama, where are his teeth, how will he eat with us when he has no teeth?" Mariette wanted to laugh at her son's growing concern but instead pulled her children closer and held them in her thin arms.

"Baby's teeth have to grow in just like when you lose one it has to come back in. Babies are not born with teeth."  Wesley seemed to stir in his sleep and open his grey eyes to the noise around him. It was peaceful until a booming voice from downstairs called out of William to stop running.

"William!" Mariette quickly let go of her children to hurry to the door and peer out to the hallway. Her middle child came running up the stairs with more tears in his eyes and chocolate in his hands. Mariette held out a hand for her son to come to her, William ran shaking with fear to his mother's leg and held on to her. Their father came up the steps seconds later stoic but fuming with anger. Mariette stepped back with Willaim still tight on her leg as her husband stormed over to her.

"Wilfred he's a child."

"No child of mine will allow their teeth to rot away because they want to eat this awful thing." Dr. Wonka snatched away the chocolate from William's hand and took the boy by the arm pulling him away. Wilfred moved to the floor so he couldn't be seen by his father, he held Wesley close and covered his ears. William started to kick and scream for his mother and Mariette lunged forward to grab him but was struck down with a slap across the face. Wilfred flinched and tried to hide even more with his brother in his arms. "Don't think I wasn't aware it's been you giving them candy behind my back." Dr. Wonka spat and drug his son away for a tooth cleaning. 

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