William Hagen Wonka

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I had to change the dates of Welsey and William's birthdays. My math was off and I didn't take into consideration of how real births work because I was trying to pump these chapters out. Whoops. So I fixed them and it goes 

Wilfred - 1973 // William - 1975 // Wesley - 1980


Children are not burdens, children are not mistakes, children are supposed to be god's gift to this cruel world to give it a form of a better life. But young William wasn't sure if any of that was true as he clung to the railing of the steps as his father tried to pry him away for his weekly cleaning. His small arms would finally give way as his father gave another tug and he would be hoisted up and carried to the parlour chair. He screams for his mother, and she would give him a sorrowful smile and 'sorry' eyes. William always hated how she never saved him from the dentist chair.

Wilfred was planned, William wasn't, five months later their mother announced she was pregnant again. It didn't seem to bother Dr Wonka, but it sure wasn't on his list of things to deal with. One son was already a hassle with young Wilfred crawling, then walking each and everywhere. Babies should never play hide and seek with their parents. Panic is never good for excepting mothers, running around the house, calling the name of your firstborn and only hearing their giggles, then pure silence can cause the mother to feel sick. Thankfully even with Wilfred playfully stressing his mother, William was born, but it was clear his arrival wouldn't be the easiest.

January 20, 1975

William was an at-home birth, Mariette didn't want to make a trip to the hospital and requested Dr Wonka to get a midwife to assist her. The day before his delivery dragged on for many hours, William was supposed to be born on the nineteenth, but the baby had other plans. His kicks were so powerful Mariette didn't sleep while she floated in the small pool of water. He kept her up the whole day and even into the late hours of the night. Dr Wonka was asleep in his armchair when three am rolled around. Mariette was violently awakened from her nap, she somehow managed to achieve, with the sharpest pain cutting across her abdomen. She cried out and called for her husband to wake up and ring the midwife. When the clock struck four a.m. William was bundled in his mother's arms crying. His crying was so intense it woke up Wilfred who was upstairs asleep in his crib with music box going.

"His eyes." Dr Wonka gasped and looked at his newest son. William was born with white eyes instead of brown, as months past his eyes changed. Mariette thought something was the matter with her son when she saw patches of purple in his eyes. After a trip to the paediatricians and countless test, it came back negative that anything was wrong with him.

"This is a very rare phenomenon, there are only one in a million people born with this condition. There is nothing to be alarmed about though. Your baby is 100% healthy and will be fine."

Mariette held the sleepy seven-month-old William in her arms tightly. She looked at him with knitted brows of worry. He will be fine, he was special, he was hers.


Four - Six

William should have never been given candy, reward or not, it was a drug addiction that he craved. William was always the one that was left out of awards because of his behaviour. But when he same how managed to do as he was told, his mother would kiss him cheek and hand him a piece of chocolate. The joy he would get from the simple treat always brought a smile to his mother's face as she watches him eat it. He always loved how her sons smiled, she hoped that their smiles would last forever.

"Mama, I want another one!" William would tug at her skirt with eagerness. Mariette would shake her head and tell him 'no', William never took 'no' as an answer and would throw a fit. His mother would try to calm him down before his father caught wind of what was going on. It was always Wilfred that would run holding another piece of candy to his brothers face telling him to hush.

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