Part One - Chapter One: Miss Pave

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I started awake to a gentle hand shaking my shoulder. "Hanna? Hanna wake up."

I groaned and batted away Rachel's hand. "No..." I moaned weakly.

"Hanna, Miss Pave is at the window."

My eyes snapped open.

"And it's your turn to open it."

Groaning, I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I blinked at Rachel, who smiled apologetically. She gestured to the window to her left and I finally heard the gentle tapping coming from the glass.

Our class didn't seem to hear nor notice, because they continued to talk carelessly with each other like they didn't have a worry in the world.

Sighing, I rose to my feet and stumbled to the window. As I walked, I drew the eyes of my fellow classmates and they quickly scrambled for their seats, knowing what was coming.

I yanked up the blinds and unlatched the window. It swung open and our teacher rolled through. The class fell silent.

Miss Pave was probably the youngest teacher in our school, and her youth and agility were probably one of the reasons she was still able to climb through the window of our second story building unseen by the principal.

I mean, not that this was an uncommon occurrence. She usually showed up late to class. Just...through the window. No one knew why, but the mystery was half the fun.

"Thank you, Hanna," Miss Pave said, beaming as she straightened her leather jacket and smoothed out her blonde hair. I just gave her a tired grin before slipping back into my seat. She looked out across the small sea of watching faces and sighed. "Sorry guys. Traffic."

Rachel and I exchanged doubtful looks. Some kids behind us started to exchange their bet winnings on what excuse she would use today.

One by one, we began to pass up the worksheets she had assigned us yesterday to do today while she was gone. I glanced down at my own and grimaced at the puddle of drool in the corner. I wiped most of it off and stuck it at the bottom of the pile, handing the stack to Miss Pave with an innocent smile.

"Thank you. Now, can anyone tell me where we left off in The Odessy?" She set the worksheets down at her desk before turning back to face us. She frowned at our silence. "No one?"

"They were at that witch chicks place!" Someone called out from the back of the class.

Miss Pave rolled her eyes as the class giggled. "Thank you, Jay, for that wonderful assumption."

The class snickered and I joined Miss Pave in rolling my eyes. I went to raise my hand but Rachel beat me to it. "Miss Pave? If I may, we left off with Odysseus and his men approaching Circe's island." Rachel said, sitting as straight as a ruler. I internally scowled. Did she have to sound so much like Hermione freaking Granger?

"Yes!" Miss Pave cried. "Thank you, Durman. For that accurate answer." She shot a meaningful look back in Jay's direction and the class giggled again. She powered up the projector and the page we left off on flickered to life. "Who wants to read first?"

Before anyone could volunteer, the door to our class burst open and we all stiffened. Mr. Newman filled the door frame in all his mighty principal glory. He was scowling, and I felt the blood leave my face.

"I see you finally care to show up, Miss Pave?"

Miss Pave paled but offered him a feeble smile. "Mister - Mister Newman! Can I - How can I help you?" She casually leaned against her desk. I grimaced. Miss Pave - bless her - wasn't the Drama teacher for a reason.

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