Chapter Twenty-Three: The Big Mistake

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I woke up the next morning to the gentle sounds of a television fighting with all it's might to broadcast its shows.

A gentle hand stroked a lock of hair behind my ear and I fought back a grin. Keeping my eyes closed, I sighed.

"Morning, Noah."

"Morning Cherry."

A hot blush spread across my cheeks as the memories from last night came flooding back. Right. Noah and...that...conversation.

Part of me wanted to ask if we were official now, having both of us confessed and all that jazz. But the other part of me still feared rejection more than I feared god, so I decided to wait a little longer.

"Yo," Addie suddenly snapped, "are you going to take me home or what?"

Noah groaned and I chuckled. "Did we low-key kidnap your cousin?" I mumbled.


"And your aunt isn't worried?"

"This isn't the first time I've kidnapped Addie to take her someplace fun."

"This is not fun!" Addie cried out. "I'm hungry and this bed smells like pee! I thought we were going to Disney World." She pouted.

Noah groaned louder and sat up, raking his hand through his hair. My blush deepened at the sight of a shirtless boy sitting up beside me, but I quickly pushed all nasty thoughts deep, deep down, and shuffled to my feet.

While Noah wrestled with Addie to tame her hair, I returned to the bathroom to change into whatever Rachel left me in the backpack.

"Jesus girl," I hissed, holding the small blue sundress up against myself and gawking at it in the mirror. If only she was this invested in her own dating life and stop interfering with mine, she might actually solve her accidental love triangle.

I snorted a laugh and pulled off the pajama shirt, thanking Eros or Cupid or whoever that I didn't need to deal with that. It was a miracle Noah liked me, much less two guys.

"Hey," I called, exiting the bathroom and braiding my hair, "do you think this place has continental breakfast?"

Noah looked up from where he struggled to braid Addie's hair, the little girl sitting in his lap watching TV. He had a hair tie pinched tightly between his teeth, and he raised an eyebrow.

I giggled at the view and tied off my own braid. "Let me do that -" I sat down and tugged the tie from his lips, "- and you get us breakfast."

Noah grinned and stood up. "Aye Aye captain."

"See if they have any chocolate waffles!" Addie called after him.


Never have I been more grateful that spring break was still a thing. I could handle running away from my mom, but the last thing I needed was unexcused absences building up on my student record. I didn't think "hiding from psychopathic estranged father" would get me an excuse.

We made it safely to Rachel's house, only taking twenty minutes longer than expected because Noah insisted on making random turns and backtracking and pulling into random parking lots to make sure we weren't being followed. He told me to go ahead into her house, promising to return once he gave Addie back to her mother.

I watched him go with my bottom lip between my teeth.

The door swung open behind me and I turned, greeting Rachel with an exhausted smile.

Her blonde hair was pulled back into a messy bun. She was still in her pajamas and she had an iced coffee in one hand.

"Sleep well?" I raised an eyebrow.

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