Chapter Fourteen: I am borrowed without permission

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I clenched the hem of Noah's hoodie like I could somehow draw strength from the fabric. After I realized what a dingus I had been, Noah gave me a hoodie to wear and dug out a pair of jeans from the depths of his closet that he claimed he hadn't worn since middle school. On me, they looked like over-sized mom jeans.

On the drive back to my house, all I could think about was what I would tell my mom to urge her to let me go to Rachel's.

Maybe the party had been my final adventure for spring break. Maybe Rachel didn't want to see me. Maybe my mom would see through my lies and ground me again. Maybe -

"Cherry." Noah's voice drew out of my stupor and I blinked, prying my eyes from the window. Noah gave me a crooked grin before focusing back on the road. "You're going to wear a hole in my hoodie."

I looked down to see my nails picking at the fabric. I blushed and quickly let go, muttering apologies beneath my breath.

"What're you so worried about?" Noah mused. "You're not going to be late, I promise."

"It's not that," I muttered. "My mom hates it when I ask for things." I looked back out the window, feeling the familiar sense of anxiety creep up my chest as we neared my neighborhood. "I was only able to go to the club because I promised to go on a date with some guy after."

Noah jolted. "What?"

"He's a guy my mom wants me to date." I waved away his concern before continuing. "And I really don't want to." My voice shook as a breathy laugh slipped past my lips.

Noah cast me a sharp glance before nodding. We drove in silence for the remainder of the trip until we reached my house, where I could see the light in my mom's room still on.

I sighed and closed my eyes, mentally preparing for the barrage of questions my mother would undoubtedly ask me about my night.

But when I reached for the handle, Noah suddenly locked the door with a click.

My heart tripped.

"Noah?" I murmured, staring out the window.

Noah was silent, so I turned to look at him. The dim light of the streetlamp cast a sharp line across his nose and mouth, leaving his eyes in shadow. He hesitated. "Are you going to be okay?" His voice came out soft and cautious like he was afraid his words would frighten me away.

I sucked in a breath and forced a laugh. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I shot him a smile and his brow only furrowed. I turned back to the door and tugged at the handle. "Can you unlock it, now?"


I froze.

"Tell me you'll be okay."

He wasn't only asking about my mom, I realized. But about me. About what happened tonight at the club. About Rachel and Stacy.

I thought of the pervert, his name already lost to my memory. My smile softened and I turned back to him.

I was suddenly hit with the reminder that in the short time I had gotten to know him, he had already helped me so many times. More times than I could count. Not only getting me out of dangerous situations - but the little things. Making me smile, making me excited to go to school if only to see him and spend time with him and his friends.

"I'll be okay," I whispered. I wrinkled my nose playfully. "Of course I will," I giggled. "Because I know my prince charming will be there to protect me."

Before he could react, I reached over and hit the unlock button. Slipping from the car, I bolted for the front porch. The floodlights came on, basking the yard in a bright white glare. I ran blindly, a smile splitting across my lips as I registered my own words.

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