Chapter Seven: What tis a kiss?

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"Okay Hanna, repeat after me. When two lips touch, it's called a kiss."

"When two lips touch, it's called a kiss."

"And when someone kisses someone else's cheek, forehead, neck or other body part, it's still called a kiss."

I frowned. "But then what's the qualifications for a peck?"

"For Gods sake woman!" CJ wailed, falling backwards off his bean bag. "It's just an adverb! It means the same thing!"

I grinned, watching CJ whine up to the ceiling. We were in study hall, sitting in the back of the room on the bean bags Mrs Cothon provided. Unfortunately, Rachel didn't have study hall with us. Fortunately, she was back in school and as healthy as before, meaning she could save me from Noah's curious glances whenever I saw him in the hall.

Ever since he drove me home yesterday, he seemed to make it a point to glance at me whenever he saw the chance. When I caught him, he would simply grin and turn back around. Only to do it a few minutes later.

"Why're you talking about kissing?" Jay suddenly dropped down between us.

CJ and I scooted apart, giving him room.

"Nothing," I said, waving a hand. "Just a joke."

CJ shot me a look. "Hanna believes that the action of kissing falls under different names when it's in different places." He looked disgusted with me.

I grinned. "Well, when Tony says 'I made out with Jessica', you know that Tony and Jessica are getting it on!" Jay blinked, eyeing me carefully. "But when Jessica says 'Ohemgee girls, I kissed Tony!'" I playfully squealed, batting my eyelashes and cupping my face. "You know she probably kissed him on the lips for under a minute or something."

"Wait," Jay shook his head, frowning. "Who's Jessica and Tony?"

"No one!" CJ and I cried in sync.

"You of all people should know this, Jay." Quinn muttered, coming over and standing above us. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark blue school band hoodie that looked two sizes too big. He crossed his arms and the sleeves fell past his hands.

I exchanged a look with CJ, who raised a suggestive eyebrow.

Quinn was not in band. That hoodie was not Quinn's.

Jay pretended to be offended and placed a hand over his chest. "I have never-"

Quinn silenced him with a knowing look. "Kaddie told me to tell you that she wants a follow-up date, and Allison is currently hunting you down."

Jay paled. "Shit."

"Mhm." Quinn hummed, rolling his eyes. "You should start running, now."

Jay sprang to his feet and opened his mouth, but Quinn held out a hand. "Hold her off, tell her you're sick, I know." Quinn drawled.

Jay raced away, yelling over his shoulder. "You're an angel, Q!"

Mrs Cothon barked after him to come back, but quickly gave up and turned back to her computer with a tired sigh.

I glanced at CJ, my eyes wide. "What just happened?"

"I...I don't know." CJ admitted helplessly.

Quinn dropped down into Jay's abandoned bean bag and sighed. "Allison's this girl who doesn't understand the concept of 'one night stand'."

I frowned and opened my mouth but Quinn spoke over me in that soft, steady voice of his. "And yes, he warned her he doesn't do follow-up dates." He lolled his head to the side and gave me an exasperated look. "So I'm the Watch Guy for when she comes looking."

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