Chapter Four: Taking Control

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I stood in the mirror, eyeing my reflection with disdain. The maroon cocktail dress my mom had picked out for me clung tight to my shoulders and bust, slim around the waist before flowing in loose sheets of lace to just above my knees. I tugged at the thin straps and grunted.

"I'm sure you look beautiful," Rachel called from my phone which lay on the bed. I sighed and picked it up, angling it to catch the dress in the mirror.

Rachel gasped. "Oh my gosh! You really do look beautiful!"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, setting her down on the dresser while I started on my make up.
"Apparently this guy is a freshman in college."

Rachel gagged. The camera shook slightly as she walked. "I hope it goes okay," she hesitated. "Just don't spill your gravy all over him again."

"I'll try not to," I said with a roll of my eyes. I spilled gravy on a guy once, and now no one will let me forget.

I glanced over at the phone screen again and frowned. "Where are you, anyway?"

"Going to CJ's. My parents are out again."

I scoffed. "Lucky." I added some mascara and red eye shadow with matching lipstick before deciding that this was enough. I clipped back my hair and rumpled it a little. "I gotta go," I said, picking up the phone again. "I'll call you after, Kay?"

"Bye!" Rachel waved vigorously and I hung up the phone. Slipping it into the hidden pocket of my dress (at least it had pockets...), I sighed at my reflection.

"Let's do this."


"Mr Sanders! Please, please come in!" My mother exclaimed. She wore a tight green dress that was shorter than mine, her blonde hair styled up in a twirly bun. She looked like she could belong on the front of a "Middle Aged and Still Shining" magazine. If that was a thing.
If I didn't know better, I'd say that she was the one on the date.

I stood off the the side, hands clasped in front of me with a soft smile on my face.
A young man walked threw the door, dressed in a white button up shirt and a sharp black blazer. Blonde hair was swept to the side while blue eyes gleamed flirtatiously at me.

I tilted my head to the side, eyeing him in fake interest. My mom reentered the room and I broke out into a shining smile. Let the freaking games begin.


"Tell us about yourself, Adam!" My mother urged, taking a sip from her wine.

Adam, who sat across from me, smiled and leaned back in his seat.
"I work for my father." He responded.

My mom kicked me under the table and I jumped to attention.
"Oh? And what does he do?" I asked, my charming smile Oscar worthy.

Adam seemed happy that he managed to make me smile, so he continued confidently, cockily.

"He is the owner of the Sanders firm. We make many of the pencils that Hellmington high uses."

I hummed, drinking heavily from my water. "So interesting," I murmured.

"So what do you do in your free time Hanna?" Adam asked, leaning forward.

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