Chapter Sixteen: Over

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It's my birthday and I'm sick, so happy birthday to me I guess lol.

The soft lull of distant music gentle tugged at my subconscious. I groaned, pressing my face into the pillow as I grasped desperately for more sleep. My muscles ached like I had run a marathon. When I twisted my torso, my spine popped like firecrackers.

I groaned louder. The music finally pulled me awake just enough to trigger my synesthesia, and soft pinks and yellows wavered in my vision.

It was official. The universe was yanking back my bedcovers and telling me to wake up.

My eyelids fluttered open to see a pale grey ceiling above me. I frowned. For a moment - one gorgeous, untainted moment - I was oblivious.

Then the universe did a flying kick into my head and I sat up with a sharp gasp.

Leo. The mall. Being taken. The van - a motorcyclist!

My throat tightened. Slowly, I looked around me. The room was modest, blue walls and a grey ceiling with a closet and the bed - which I currently sat on, my legs tangled in the sheets.

I looked to my right at the small nightstand. On it was a bowl of strawberries and a folded index card. I leaned over, plucking up the card and flipping it open.

Morning sleeping beauty! Or night. Whenever you wake up.

My eyebrows jumped to my hairline. Who knew the Flame Riders were such dorks?

The message continued:

There's a towel and some clothes in the bathroom (the door beside the closet). When you're ready, call us using the walkie-talkie and someone will probably answer.

~ FR, xxx

Frowning, I set the note down and popped a strawberry in my mouth as I slipped from the bed. Across the bed was a small open closet, empty of almost anything besides a few sweatpants and a hoodie. I found the bathroom beside it, a small tiled room with just a shower-and-tub combo and toilet. Sure enough, a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt were folded by the sink.

I hesitated, tugging at the hem of my shirt. The little voice in my head sneered that this was a terrible idea. I shook my head. They saved me - they wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

But I locked the door either way before pulling off my clothes and stepping into the shower.


I massaged my aching muscles, my face tilted up to the streaming hot water.

Leo's smirking face...My eyes snapped open with a gasp, half expecting to see him standing on the other side of the fogged glass. I shuddered and hugged myself. Swallowing, I turned back to the water and reached for the conditioner.

But I couldn't shake the look on his face as he let his act slip away. It was the glower of a predator excited for the chase. He wasn't just a mindless creep... the kidnapping had been planned. Those two thugs must work for him. But why? Why such an elaborate plan for me? I was nobody.

My chest tightened as panic caressed the back of my throat.

Hurridly turning off the water, I stepped from the shower and quickly dried off and tugged on the clothes.

I found a brush and ran it through my hair, walking back into the bedroom and looking for the walkie-talkie the note had spoken of.

I opened up the top drawer and sure enough, inside was a small, blue walkie-talkie.

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