Chapter Six: Gucci Gang

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"Calvin's behind you."

Slowly, I moved my gaze on the screen to behind my shoulder. Calvin stood at the edge of one of the bookshelves, shuffling through the books. Every few seconds however, he would glance over.

I swallowed. Hurriedly, I picked up my pencil and started to aimlessly scribble in the margins of my paper. "Yeah, yeah I think that's a great idea," I blurted just loudly enough to be casual. "I'll run it by CJ."

In the screen of my computer, Calvin set aside the book and started to walk closer. My mouth ran dry.

A hand came down on my shoulder and I jumped, whirling around and yanking out my earbuds.

A very not-Calvin face frowned down at me. I swallowed. "H-Hi," I breathed. The vaguely familiar young man lifted a dark eyebrow above his glasses. "Can I - Can I help you?"

"Yeah man," Calvin suddenly shoved past the guy and planted himself between us. I blanched. "Can she help you?"

"Go away, Calvin," I groaned. In the screen of my computer I could see Rachel watching with wide eyes. A small red dot blinked in the top right corner - she was screen recording this.

Calvin glanced at me and scowled. "I'm trying to help, bitch."

I snapped to my feet, my nostrils flaring. "Say that again." Calvin was weak. He always had been from the start. He picked on those smaller than him in order to feel some shred of power and pretended to be the good guy. He didn't want to help, he wanted to get me alone. "Say that again, Calvin." I snarled.

Calvin eyed me, his cut lips curled into an ugly sneer. Behind him, the new guy took a step backward - a smart decision, really. Calvin leaned close until I could feel his warm breath against my face. "What are you going to do about it," he hissed. "Bitch?"

"Hanna!" I lunged only for Calvin to be knocked away from my grasp. The new guy grabbed me, restraining me as I thrashed.

"Let go of me!" I shrieked. "Let go!"

Calvin sprawled on the floor, gaping up at me with wide eyes. "The hell?" He spat at the new guy.

"Stay away from her," the new guy warned. I ceased my struggles and glared at Calvin until he quaked. "Talk to her again, or touch another girl, and Noah will hear about it."

Calvin blanched. Then, tail between his legs, he scrambled away. Only when he was out of sight did the new guy finally release me. I stumbled back to my seat, eyeing him cautiously.

"Sorry," he grimaced. "Did I hurt you?"

I blinked, taken aback by his concern. I shook my head. "No. Who are you?" I glanced at his unruly black hair to his dark skin to his shiny white vans.

"Issac Goldman," he adjusted his glasses and grinned. "I saw Calvin watching you for a while and thought I could help." He pursed his lips. "But turns out you didn't need much."

I swallowed and sat back down. My breathing rattled in my lungs and my fingers shook just the slightest as I rested them against the keyboard. "Thanks," I muttered. Quickly, I typed out a message to a pale Rachel, telling her that I had to go.

Closing my laptop, I started to clean up my papers and pack up. "So how do you know Noah?" I asked, partly out of curiosity and partly to make conversation.

"Oh, I just heard about the fight." Issac shrugged sheepishly. "Thought it would scare him off."

I sent him another sharp look. He was frail, I noticed. Small in stature and skinny under his fitted sweater. My eyebrows jumped to my hairline. "You're the Tech Club president." I blurted, suddenly remembering where I had seen his face before.

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