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Music played from the Bluetooth speakers, but I could hardly pay attention to the colors it brought through the loud chatter and laughs surrounding me. 

I hardly recognized CJ's house. He turned eighteen a few weeks ago and shipped his mom off to rehab, turned right around and cleaned his house from top to bottom. Not a trace of alcohol or drugs remained. There were posters of the twin's favorite movies on the walls, their drawings plastering the living room like wallpaper. 

Savanna and Samantha sat on two pink thrones in the center of the room, shining like princesses. By the grace of whatever the heck was up there, CJ managed to adopt his sisters within two weeks. Today was their adoption party, and CJ couldn't look happier. 

It was a small party, just our friend group and the legal workers who helped CJ in court. My hair had returned to its natural cliche blonde, and I got it cut to shoulder length. I currently wore a comfy romper and held a red cup of punch, watching my friends mingle from the safety of the kitchen counter. 

An arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back into a warm chest. "Everything okay?" Noah asked, pressing a kiss to my temple. 

I hummed out a yes, smiling. "Just happy," I said. 

Noah grinned against my temple and wrapped his other arm around me in a backward hug. We stood in silence, watching the party in silent understanding. 

Jay and Stacy cuddled on the couch, now officially a couple. They had plans to travel together after graduation - to get out of Hellmington and try to bring down their family's drug ring. I had given them Leo's number in case they ever needed it. 

Speaking of Leo, I hadn't heard from him since that day at his apartment. True to his word, after my dad was arrested he and his men vanished without a trace or a goodbye. My dad was still securely locked up, Leo's contacts in prison making sure of it. I still sensed Leo's influence in Hellmington, though. Petty crime in the lower part of the city had nearly ceased completely, the rehab center was cleaned up and businesses that dealt in corruption mysteriously shut down. 

My eyes landed on Quinn, who was laughing beside Issac. After a short relapse, Quinn was back and seemingly better than before. He held hands with a tall brunette young man who I vaguely recognized from school as the band captain. The mystery of the band hoodie was finally solved. 

I moved my gaze to Rachel and Jonas. The two of them sat on the carpet shoulder to shoulder, Rachel bright red and laughing as Jonas shamelessly flirted with her. Rachel had told me in secret a few days ago that Jonas asked her out and she said yes. I glanced at CJ, who watched them from the other side of the room with a bitter smile on his face. 

I hesitated before slipping out from Noah's arms and making my way to him, leaning against the wall and bumping his elbow with mine. 

"You okay?" I asked, sipping my punch. 

He didn't tear his eyes away from Rachel as he answered. "Never better." 

"Dude," I sighed. "it's kinda obvious how you feel about Rachel."

CJ looked over at me and the corner of his lips tugged upwards. "I'm happy for her."

At my pointed look, CJ sighed and turned back to watching the room, his eyes landing on his two sisters who were playing with Addie - fully recovered and as happy as ever.

His smile softened. "I just adopted my sisters and basically own a house now - dating is now the last of my responsibilities. Besides -" he sipped his water, "- all I've ever wanted was for Rachel to be happy. Whether it's with me or...anyone else." 

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