Chapter Nineteen: Just Him.

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The night air whipped against my face, tossing my hair and chilling the tear tracks on my cheeks.

I looked out at all the darkened houses, suddenly feeling alone and isolated. Where could I go now? The anger that sent me barreling from my house seemed to die the instant the door slammed shut behind me.

But I couldn't turn back. I couldn't face her again.

I gripped the strap of my bag tighter, took a deep breath, and started to walk down the street. I didn't know where I was going. I just needed to leave.

Just like how Leo had said, I would endanger everyone around me just by being there.

I squeezed my eyes shut and choked back a sob, my knees quaking beneath me.


I spun around, stumbling over my shoes as the front door to one of the houses flew open. A woman in her early fifties stood in the threshold, her auburn hair streaked with grey and twisted into a loose knot.

I watched her hurry down the steps, tugging her nightgown tighter around her. "Oh dear," she tutted, shaking her head at me. "Tell me that boy didn't leave you!"

I blinked. She came to a halt before me and I suddenly recognized her face as Ms. Honnenberg, my old baby sitter.

"What?" I choked.

Ms. Honnenberg huffed and gestured around us. "That boy who parks in front of my house whenever you're sneaking back home!"

I gasped when I realized who she was talking about. Noah. She was talking about Noah. I glanced around and realized: yes, Noah did stop here before I got out.

I managed a weak smile and shook my head. "No, Ms. Honnenberg. We aren't-"

"Good, good. I haven't seen such affection in you youngsters in years."

I hesitated. "What do you mean, affection?"

"Chivalry Hanna! Chivalry! I thought it was dead in a ditch somewhere until he came around with that silly blue Toyota of his!" She rambled, waving a hand towards where his car would be. "He doesn't drive off until you're safely inside! I watch him watch you every time! He looks like a puppy in love, that boy."

I blanched and something in my gut twisted. Noah. Start-fights-to-protect-a-girls-honor-Noah. Drive-you-home-even-if-it's-miles-away-Noah. Noah.

Ms. Honnenberg took my hand in hers and met my eyes, a sincere motherly smile tugging at her lips.

"You hold onto that boy, Hanna. You hold onto him tight. Boys like that don't come around often."

My throat tightened. "Ms. Honnenberg?" I choked. I gripped my left arm where Noah's address was written. "Can-can you give me a ride, please?"

The destination or reason remained unspoken, but Ms. Honnenberg's smile softened with understanding.

"Let me get my keys."


Stumbling from Ms. Honnenberg's weird-smelling car felt like a dream. The entire drive just felt like I was drifting through smoke, unable to grasp any thought that slipped through my mind. I didn't allow myself to think. Thinking brought remembering, and remembering would bring a myriad of emotions and anxiety I couldn't let loose on poor Ms. Honnenberg.

I thanked her, and she just smiled at me before driving off.

There was a light on in the house, and I choked back a sob of relief.

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