Chapter Thirteen: Look Ma, No Pants!

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Whatever I laid on was so incredibly soft. I was buried in a thick duvet and I could feel pillows stacked around me, keeping me secure on the bed like a cocoon. I felt safe, comforted, floating on nothing but warmth that only a good bed and duvet could give.

A dull pain thrummed behind my eyes and I felt a little nauseous, but even that couldn't stop me from burying my face deeper into the pillow and inhaling.

I froze. This wasn't the Mango Paradise cloth softener I washed my pillows with.

Which simply begged the question: what?

My eyes snapped open to see a window. Blue curtains were drawn across it, not the grey-ish lavender of my room.

My breaths turned shallow and I slowly rolled over.

Empty bed. I sighed in relief and sat up, rubbing my pounding head. Questions ran around me in dizzying circles, but I couldn't focus on those right now, I told myself.

I had to get out of here, and maybe find out what happened on the way.

Steeling my nerves, I kicked back the blankets and gasped.

My skirt was gone.

Quickly, I yanked the blankets back up to my chest and gaped at the navy wall across from me as my stomach churned aggressively.

"Oh God," I breathed. I slowly pulled the blankets away and peered down at my Disney Princess underwear bottoms. Well, at least I still had those.

I groaned and put my head in my heads, straining my memory for anything - any answer I might get as to where I was.

A groggy memory floated up from the bowels of my headache. A pulsing club, loud music, lots of bodies dancing together.

Then the face of a handsome young man with dirty blonde hair. Leo, I think his name was. We had danced and chatted until Rachel showed up, and a fight broke out between her and Stacy.

I groaned loudly into my hands. This was all my fault.

Another man with ginger hair and leering eyes - I gasped and jerked my head up in horror. He had drugged me. The blood drained from my face and I looked around the room frantically. No - no this couldn't be his room. It couldn't!

A soft knock came from the door, freezing me in place.

"Hanna? You awake?"

My breath hitched. "Noah?" I rasped.

The door cracked open and Noah popped his head in. Instantly, his entire face broke out into a relieved soft grin.

"You're awake," Noah sighed, pushing the door open further and stepping inside. I inched further under the blankets, eyeing him carefully.

"Where am I?" I snapped.

Noah paused. Slowly, he held out his hands in innocence. "You're at my place. How much do you remember?"

I licked my lips nervously and hesitated. "The Hinge. I was - I was..." I swallowed and met his eyes meaningfully.

Noah nodded in understanding and closed the door, leaning back against it as he surveyed me. He wore a pair of faded jeans and a loose grey shirt, his hair tousled and falling gracefully over his eyes. I swallowed and clutched the blanket closer to my chest.

Oh right. I wasn't wearing my skirt.

"Where's my skirt, Noah?" I managed to growl.

At this, Noah flushed and his eyes widened. "It's not what it looks like-"

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