Chapter Twenty-six: Totally not a kiss

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I stomped the man's face, shattering his nose. Before he hit the ground, I turned and sprinted for the door.

My heart pounded in my chest, terrified at what I would find. Please, any deity up there, I know you don't know me but - 

I grabbed onto the door jam, gawking at what I was seeing.

Noah spun in tight circles on his bike, smoke rising from the skidding wheels as he spun around and around. I glanced to the right and saw a third man standing behind a bush, gun raised as he tried to hit Noah.

"Noah!" I screamed. Noah's helmeted head jerked towards me, but I couldn't see his expression through the tinted visor.

Reeving the engine, he shot towards the gunman. The man dove to the side, barely escaping the hot, still smoking wheels.

My eyes widened as the smoke drifted past the painted flames along the edge of the bike.

The Heat rides tonight. Despite the situation, the corner of my lips twitched upwards. Damn, this would make a kick-ass movie.

No Hanna, focus.

From someone else's point of view, it would look like Noah was some sort of ghost rider. Smoke bellowed from his tires, the realistic flames seemed to come alive, and his black leather jacket seemed to melt into the night. Noah rode in tight circles around the gunman, making the smoke thicker and thicker.

My eyes widened. He was giving me a chance to escape.

"CJ!" I raced back inside the house. "CJ come on!" I yelled. I paused on the threshold.

The first body of the man was slumped against the wall, his head hanging limply to the side as CJ crouched beside him. "I can't find his pulse!" He cried, hands flying along the man's neck and arm.

"I-I think I killed him!" CJ sobbed. His hands shook.

My breath caught, and I glanced over at the second man to see him lying in a heap on the floor. Good. The pain had finally brought him down.

I jogged over to CJ and slid to my knees. "What you did wouldn't have killed him," I muttered, shooing away CJ's trembling hands. I grabbed the man's beefy wrist and pressed two fingers to his warm skin.
His pulse thrummed against my fingers - faint, but still there.

"You just knocked him out." I scoffed, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear and pinning CJ with a knowing look.
"And even if you did kill him, it'd be in self-defense. He had you by the throat." The image of the man choking CJ flickered into my mind, and I quickly chased it away, not wanting to see my friend that helpless ever again.

I glanced over to the second man and chewed my lip in thought.

"Noah's outside distracting the third guy-"

"There's more?!"

"-so we have run. Now." I finished, grabbing CJ by the hand.

Together, we left the house. The sounds of gunshots and an angry engine tore at our eardrums as I pulled CJ along the sidewalk.

"Does no one in your neighborhood have ears?!" I hissed, amazing how no one was leaving their houses to see the commotion, or at least peeking out a window.

Even then, I thought. I doubt people would run towards the gunfire.

Without warning, a new figure emerged from the bushes in front of us. I skidded to a halt, throwing out an arm to stop CJ. My breath caught in my throat.


I glared at him even as his dark gaze looked me over. My pajamas hung loosely around my sweaty, panting frame, my hair limp and lifeless around my wild eyes.

Through the flames *MMG REVISION-COMPLETED✔️*Where stories live. Discover now