Chapter Thirty: Resilient

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TW: for sustenance abuse and paranoia. It isn't explicit, it just mentions side effects and the aftermath.

I don't think I breathed the entire run to the boy's locker room.

Noah crashed through the door and froze, throwing an arm across my chest to halt me in place.

Jonas had Quinn by the shoulders and was shaking him, yelling with a fierceness I could have never dreamed Jonas to possess.

"How long?" He thundered.

"I'm fine!" Quinn screamed, ripping away from Jonas and stumbling back until he hit a row of lockers. He jumped and looked around him with wide eyes. "Stop yelling at me!"

"What happened?" Noah stalked forward and Jonas whirled to face him, white with fury. he threw something and Noah caught it.

A little plastic bag with small white tablets inside.

"He's higher than a f*cking kite." Jonas spat. "It's acid. Acid, Noah."

My stomach dropped to my toes. No. Not Quinn. I clenched my phone with white knuckles - but what did this have to do with Leo?

Noah gaped at Quinn, who continued to shake and look around him like a trapped animal. "You promised, Quinn!" Noah snapped. "You promised you were done!"

"I am!" Quinn screamed again. "I didn't do anything! Stop yelling at me!"

"Stop lying!"

The doors burst open again and Jay and Stacy stumbled through, Issac at their heels.

Jay took one look at Quinn and groaned. Shockingly, he didn't seem as surprised as Noah and Jonas. "What's he on?"

"Acid." Noah hurled the bag at Jay's chest and his eyes widened.


"Acid. Someone sold him acid again. What happened to the ban?" Noah snapped.

Jay shook his head, gawking down at the drugs like they were alive. Stacy snatched it from his hands and held it up to the light, frowning.

"It's not a local dealer," she said matter-of-factly. "This isn't Jay's dad's imprint."

"What?" The word blurted from my lips before I realized I had spoken and everyone jumped. They had forgotten I was there.

Noah paled. "Can you give us a minute alone, Hanna?"

"No," I said, narrowing my eyes and turning to Jay and Stacy. "How does Stacy know your dad?" I snapped.

"I - I..." Jay shook his head again, speechless.

"It's nothing, Hanna," Stacy took a step forward and held out a hand, "come on, let's leave the guys to talk."

Her entire aura had changed. She was colder, her eyes hard and voice clipped.

I took a step back, my heart pounding against my ribs. "What's going on?" I choked out. I glanced at Quinn who gawked at me with dilated eyes. "What happened to Quinn?"

"Ask him!" Jonas pointed at Jay and Noah grabbed his arm, holding him back. "It's all his fault! It's all your fault!" He screamed, thrashing.

"You think I did this?" Jay seethed.

"You're the one with the drug lord dad!"

"My dad's the one that made everyone stop selling to Quinn! No one would disobey him!"

"Then maybe it's your girlfriend," Jonas spat out the word like it was a bad taste. "We know she's in your dad's ring!"

Jay took a protective step in front of Stacy and she narrowed her eyes. "I haven't done shit," she glowered.

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