Chapter Five: It was maroon, you peasent.

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"-and then she grounded me." I finished with a careless shrug.

CJ sat across from me, his jaw on his knees. We were in my room, my mother out for the afternoon. I hadn't been allowed to leave my room all weekend as my punishment for my little show on Friday. Luckily, CJ had come to my window just an hour ago asking where I had disappeared to, since she took my phone as well.

I did the only rational thing and snuck him into my room through the balcony to catch him up on everything that had happened.

CJ shook himself. "Hanna," he breathed. "You are..."

"An idiot?" I offered with a grin. "A rebellious teenager?"

The corner of his lips quirked and he shook his head. "I was going to say idol."

I snorted and launched a pillow at his head. "Shut up."

"No I'm serious! Rachel and I saw everything! Those guys absolutely love you!"

"No they don't," I muttered, curling my knees up to my heated cheeks.

CJ snorted. "Hanna, they allowed you to hijack their video, and thanked you for it."

My cheeks burned red and I scowled. I had been replaying the events of Friday in my mind all weekend: the dance, the motorcycles, the way that one had watched me the entire time before taking my hand at the end of it. It had been, without a doubt, the best forced-date ever. And I wasn't thanking Adam for that.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" CJ asked, suddenly more serious. "The kids at school are going to find out sometime. Your date is going to blab about it at his college, probably."

I swallowed and shook my head. "I'm trying not to think about it."

CJ snorted and turned on his phone. "Well, no matter what happens, you still looked smokin in that dress."

CJ yelped as I launched another pillow at his head.


"Psst, Cherry!"

I sighed and ignored Noah.


I twiddled with my pencil, watching with faux fascination as Linzy and Cole started to furiously make out three seats in front of me.

A paper ball hit the back of my head.

"What?" I hissed, spinning around and pinning Noah with an icy glare.

He smirked and leaned forward.

I snapped my pencil in half and turned back around so I wouldn't strangle him.


I spun back around and threw one half of my pencil at him.
He of course, dodged it.

When I had entered Miss Pave's class I had noticed three things. The first and most normal, Miss Pave wasn't here yet. The second being that Rachel was gone, and the third - which almost had me spinning on my heel and waltzing right back out the door - was Noah sitting behind my seat, having left his friends at the back of the room so he could bug me.

"You never told me you knew the Flame Riders."

Slowly, I turned to face him. I swallowed at the cocky smirk on his lips. "What-What are you talking about?"

"The video from Friday?" He jerked a thumb back at Jay, who wiggled his fingers in greeting. "We're fans. And imagine our surprise," Noah leaned even closer and lowered his voice. I held my breath. "When we saw cute little Hanna prancing around the riders in a cute red dress."

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