Chapter Ten: Listen

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A/N: Any blatant spoilers will be deleted. This is your first and only warning.

The weekend came and went and I still didn't try to talk to Rachel. Granted, she didn't try to talk to me either, but she didn't know what I knew. My mom told me I wasn't grounded anymore and gave me back my phone and fridge-rights; to which I celebrated by making a bowl of ice cream and watching cliche chick flick movies.

Monday came and the halls practically burst with excitement. The last day of school before spring break - the teachers could hardly control us.

"Hey Hanny," Stacy chirped, tagging me on the shoulder. I turned, halfway done with pulling things from my locker.

"Oh, hey." I yawned, tucking my history textbook under my arm and slamming my locker.

Stacy snorted and fell in step beside me as she walked me to first period. "Sleep well?" She drawled sarcastically.

I chuckled and rubbed my eyes. "No," I admitted. "I got my phone back yesterday and rediscovered Youtube."

Stacy laughed. A moment later she sobered up and cast me a wicked grin. "Guess what your girl did, Hanna."

"What did my girl do?"

"Your girl got us entry to The Hinge!"

At my blank stare, Stacy rolled her eyes and continued. "The Hinge is the best nine-thirty club in Mintzberg. I did my research."


"It's a nickname for underage clubs." Stacy waved a dismissive hand before plowing on. "Anyway, we're going tonight to celebrate spring break."

My stomach flipped. "We're what?" I wheezed.

Stacy laughed at my expression. "Chill girl, it's underaged. That means no alcohol or drugs. Your mom will totally let you go."

I snorted. "My mom hears Mintzberg and puts the house on lockdown."

"Then just sneak out." Stacy shrugged as if it was the simplest solution.

I raised an eyebrow. Sure. Sneak down the touch activated light-up staircase, past my mom's room, find a way past the security system that beeps loudly whenever the front door or windows are opened, get away from the porch before the bright lights are motion-activated, and on top of all that, figure out a way to deactivate the tracking device on my phone my mom had downloaded in middle school.

I shook my head and explained it to Stacy. Her eyes were wide by the end of it. "What the hell is your mom hiding from?" She shrieked.

"She's just really overprotective."

"Is your dad a wanted criminal or something?!" Stacy laughed.

I hesitated, I had forgotten that I told her about him. I snorted and shoved her shoulder. "He has the threat levels of a raccoon." I usually hated talking about my father. He was just a bum who knocked up my mom then skipped town, according to her. That was all she ever told me about him. The one time I asked about him she had turned steely-eyed and threatened me within an inch of my life to never mention him again.

But with Stacy, who I knew didn't have the best home life either, it felt relieving to talk crap about the man who probably ruined my relationship with my mom.

"Alright fine. How about you say you're going over to Rachels house? She likes her doesn't she?"

"I'd hate to drag Rachel into this, though," I muttered.

"Drag me into what?" Rachel suddenly appeared by my side and I jumped. She frowned, swiping a lock of hair back behind her ear.

"Oh, nothing." I quickly shook my head and smiled.

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