Chapter Twenty-Nine: Naomi Fisher

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This is going to fail. 

Think positive, Hanna. 

This is going to positively fail. 

God, I have got to stop talking to myself.

I swallowed and stared up at Hellmington High looming above me in all its prestigious high school glory. Never before have I been so afraid to enter it's halls - not even Freshman year, because I had Rachel and CJ on each arm. 

Now, Rachel and CJ had to pretend not to know me for my own safety. I touched the thick glasses on my face and checked to make sure my hair hadn't miraculously changed back to blonde in the time I was standing here. 

To help with my disguise, I was dressed in the same outfit from yesterday. As long as no one stared too closely, I would be invisible. 

Taking one last trembling breath, I started to walk up the steps of the school, running through the plan in my head. 

I would introduce myself to the office as a possible transfer student who just moved from London and was looking to finish my senior year here. Noah would be waiting and volunteer to show me around so he could keep an eye on me. 

While that was happening, Jonas, Jay, and Quinn would help Issac go through the school's computers in search of any information about which students got paid to find me, and who didn't.

Ms. Pave had told us she'd be absent, choosing to spend time at the hospital with Addie. So, there would be a sub for third and fifth, since Noah had her for math fifth period as well as English in third. That limited the number of teachers I would have to deal with, thankfully. 

The entire walk to the office was filled with a pounding heart, nervous glances, and stumbling steps. No one gave me a second glance save for the pervy jock in front of the girl's bathroom.

I pushed open the doors to the office and sucked in a breath of relief when I saw Noah sitting there. 

He smirked at my flustered face but didn't show any other sign that he knew me before returning his bent head to his phone.

I crossed the small, quiet room to the receptionist and cleared my throat.

Ms. Trin squinted up at me, raising a bushy eyebrow. My friends and I always had a theory that Ms. Trin was biologically born as a man but transitioned sometime last year since we used to have a male receptionist that mysteriously vanished and the school was so cowardly and conservative to tell us the truth. 

I smiled warmly at her. "Hello," I greeted in my practiced British accent. "I'm Naomi, I recently moved here and everyone says I should look into this school." I handed her the paperwork Issac forged and waited for her to look them over. 

She just skimmed them before nodding and hunting down the Echo program paperwork and fished a pen from her fishbowl of M&Ms. "Just fill out this visitor pass and I'll find you a guide," she said with a smile. 

I thanked her and turned, finding a seat across the office.

Crossing my legs, I readied my pen.

Name: Naomi

I hesitated, trying to think of a believable last name.

My eyes landed on the robotic talking fish nailed to the wall.

Naomi...Fish? I looked down at the coffee table before me.

Naomi Fishtabel? With an accent on the last half?

Naomi Fish... I gritted my teeth,

My head snapped up as I suddenly became enlightened.

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