Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sexy Clark Kent

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(As a heads up to old readers, the next few chapters are quite similar to the OG version, since I wrote the ending of the book just last year. However, they are still edited and polished to be of better quality! After that, the story changes more! Enjoy!)

I remained in Jonas's house, falling into a schedule of sleeping late and sneaking down to his kitchen for snacks whenever possible. What else was I supposed to do? Watch Netflix all day?

For their own safety, my friends stayed away, not wanting to draw attention to Jonas's house. We kept in contact through Flisbee, and there wasn't a day that I didn't hear their voices. I think that was the one thing keeping me sane.

Once Spring Break ended, however, the conversations shifted to school. I could only miss so many days before the police had to investigate, and since we all knew how trustworthy Hellmington police were, that left us in a worried silence as the days dragged by.

Rachel and CJ kept me entertained, but I always felt like they were holding back on our Flisbee calls when I asked about school. They were always hesitant to talk about the student body and any drama that was happening. I suspected it was because everyone was still pestering them about me. As much as I loved talking to them, I needed more than just stories about their days.

Jonas, I soon learned, was a surprising gossip queen. Turns out the quiet kids heard a lot more than we give them credit for. He returned from school every day and I would rush to greet him, desperate for any news of the outside world. He traded information for stories about Rachel, and I swear, I think I was starting to get Stockholm Syndrome from him. It reached the point where I got excited at the thought of talking about Rachel because I knew he would tell me about school after.

It was definitely unhealthy, looking back.

When I confessed to CJ and Rachel about our gossip sessions, Rachel blushed red and disappeared off camera while CJ yelled at me for "trading secrets to the enemy."

He then abruptly logged off of Flisbee and I was left to coax Rachel back on screen.

"What does he say about me?" She asked, inching closer to the camera.

I grinned. "He really cares about you, Rach." I had my doubts in the beginning, but Jonas was starting to actually seem like a good fit for Rachel.

Or that was just the Stolkholm Syndrome talking.

Rachel buried her face in her blanket and squealed. I laughed. "God," she groaned, "I miss you so much. School sucks without you."

My chest suddenly ached and I forced a smile. "I miss you too."

An hour or so after we logged off, Jonas came knocking. "Your curly-haired friend is here," he called through the door.

"You know his name!" I yelled back, swinging my legs off the bed.

"Yeah I know. I'm going to pick my dad up from the airport." My stomach sank before he suddenly spoke up again. "He thinks you're a Germany exchange student, by the way."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Of course he does," I muttered, marching out the door and down to meet CJ.

I had hardly opened the door before CJ burst into the kitchen, armed with Walmart shopping bags. "I had an idea!" He blurted.

I stepped back, blinking wildly as he set down three small cardboard boxes on the counter. I eyed the woman pictured on each one, smirking seductively at the camera with her ink-black hair spread around her like a halo.

"Hair dye?"

"Yeah! I was thinking," he pushed me into a chair before pulling out one for himself. "So you know how Miss Pave has been excusing you?"

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