Chapter Fifteen: My Motorcycle Guardian

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*Third person POV special*

"Keep an eye on them, Fal."

Revving engines. Thick gloves gripping the handlebars. Sunlight glaring into the dark visored helmet, pulled low.

"Aye, aye captn'." Murmured a voice into his earbud piece.

Heat leaned to the side, dodging a car he roared past. "C!" He barked.

"Yeah?" Piped up a new voice.

Heat spoke quickly into the mouthpiece, his voice thick with restrained emotions. "How far until the police are here?"

"I can answer that," blurted Eyes. "According to GPS, they're about five minutes off. Just stay on the van's tail."

Heat nodded even if Eyes couldn't see him. Ahead, Falcon and Flippity worked to catch up to the swerving black armored van. C-Shot rode just behind Heat, the Go-Pro attached firmly to his helmet.

Heat sped up, slipping between two cars and nearing Flippity and Falcon. He could hear the roar of their engines in the group call. He let the noise fill him, fuel him, strengthen him.

Taking a breath, he gritted his teeth and urged the machine faster. "Eyes! Find an exit onto the highway! We get them out there we can keep them out there."

"Got it." Eyes said. There came the clacks of a keyboard before he spoke again. "Force them onto Exit 18!"

The rest echoed their understanding and raced to keep pace with the van. "Flip, Falcon! Now!" Heat barked.

In sync, Flippity and Falcon slid to the left of the van before violently merging. With a scream of tires, the van rumbled over into exit 18 and swerved, frantically trying to get out before the flood of cars forced them on. The Flame Riders roared after like hounds on a scent.

The van sped down the high way, the wide road nearly empty of cars. Falcon slowed, falling next to Heat so C-Shot could take his place. Flippity and C-Shot each took a side of the van, acting the part of obnoxious teenagers taunting the men driving. In truth, they were keeping the van from leaving the high way in any of the approaching exits.

A bead of sweat rolled down Heat's temple. He squinted at the back window. This close, he could just make out the small figure struggling inside, thrashing with bound hands.

His stomach churned. Hanna.

"Where the hell is the police?!"

"Right behind you buddy, just keep steady!"

"We can't keep going like this before they become suspicious!"

Falcon suddenly gasped. "Behind us!"

On cue, sirens broke through the constant rev of the motorcycles. Two cars shot past them and Heat sighed in relief. "Thank Go - "

Before the word could leave his lips, both police cars suddenly spun around, smoke pealing from their tires as they braked sharply. With a curse, Heat and Falcon skidded to a halt.

"What's going on?" Flippity barked into the mouthpiece.

Heat narrowed his eyes, watching the van drive farther and farther away, C-Shot and Flippity hovering around it like buzzing insects. He glanced down at the police cars, who hadn't moved. They just stayed in place, flashing lights and sirens blaring. Through the tinted windows, he saw them frantically speaking into phones.

"They - they..." his words fell away as he sucked in a breath. "They're blocking us."

Stunned silence filled the group call. "Maybe they're waiting for back up?" C-Shot weakly offered.

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