Chapter Eighteen: Runaway

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The first thing that hit me when I entered the house was the smell. Instantly, I stilled on the threshold. Steak, potatoes, vinaigrette. I sniffed the air and frowned. There came the pleasant sounds of chatter and laughter from deeper into the house. My frown deepened. She has no reason to be suspicious or worried, I told myself. As far as she's concerned, I'm just a few minutes late to curfew.

I swallowed. Had it truly only been a day?

I stepped further into the hallway, following the smell towards the dining hall. "Mom?" I called out.

The laughter stopped.

"Hanna? Is that you?" My mother's voice called out.

My throat tightened. I didn't realize how much I had missed it, no matter how strange that seemed. "Sorry I'm late," I choked out, stumbling towards her. "S-Something happened and-"

"Oh Hanna," My mom scoffed, swinging into view from the dining room door. She smiled when she saw me. The smile was too wide at the corners, her lips too red. I swallowed. She was furious with me, I didn't need to be told. "I'm sorry," I breathed, wringing my hands. "But I need to talk to you-"

"After dinner Hanna darling, after dinner." She waved away my concerns and motioned me closer. "You still have to attend your date, remember?" She gripped my arm tight and I winced.

She prodded me forward, and I reluctantly trudged forward into the dining room. An hour wouldn't change anything, I told myself. I'd just suffer for an hour and then I could tell her everything.

"Sorry for the wait, Mr. Solomen!" My mother trilled. I lifted my head, only slightly curious about what man she had swindled into dinner.

The floor dropped down from under me. My eyes widened.

"Oh, it's not a problem at all, Mrs. Green," Leo said with a dazzling smile. His eyes fell on me, and his smile turned dangerous. "She's here now, and that's all that matters."

A screamed pressed against my lips when Leo casually propped an elbow on the table, aiming a finger gun at me before pressing it against his lips, curling down his middle finger and leaving his index in a silent hush. He winked, and the message was clear.

Gritting my teeth, I yanked out the chair across from him and dropped down, glaring hard.

My mother moved around me, all smiles and giggles in her ruby red dress. "Just Ms, please." She waved a hand, sinking into her seat at the head of the table. "I've been a divorcee longer than Hanna's been alive!"

"I see," Leo murmured, taking a sip from his glass. "Well, whoever he is, he should be here to see what a charming young lady you raised all by yourself."

I dug my fingers into the table. I wanted to scream. I wanted to run as fast and as far away from the two of them as I could. But I couldn't. I was trapped for as long as Leo wanted me to.

Instead, I took an angry sip of water and fought the urge to spit in his face.

I hardly paid attention as my mother droned on and on about all my "accomplishments". I could only see Leo. Leo and his knowing half-smile as he watched me. How many men did he have with him now? I wanted to ask. How many lives was he willing to risk this time? Did he have a gun? I discreetly glanced beneath the table but couldn't see anything but his grey slacks and shiny black shoes.

I was drawn back into reality when my mom suddenly stood up. "I'll go check on dessert!" She chirped. I sucked in a breath and made to jump up and follow her, but she pointed at me with a glare. "You stay, Hanna." She gestured to Leo. "Entertain our guest."

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