Chapter Nine: New Look and New Perspective

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To say I turned heads the next day at school would be - in the barest form possible - an understatement. They gaped.

It had hurt a bit when Stacy pierced the outer shell of my ear with the sanitized sewing needle followed by a petite silver hoop earring, but once she was done with both ears and pierced my earlobes with matching silver studs, I had admired them in the mirror, watching the way they gleamed.

"Shiny," I had said with a splitting grin.

Stacy was right. Two piercings had certainly given me the giddy sense of rebellion. After piercing my ears, she raided my closet and pulled out an outfit for me to wear to school until we went shopping for new clothes.

And as I strutted through the hallway in short jean shorts and a tight black tank top, wearing ruby lipstick and dark eye shadow, I felt more confident than I had in years. Finally, I would prove to my mom and every other stuffy member of Hellmington that I wasn't their next doll to play with.


I turned to see Rachel standing by our lockers. Her eyes were the size of dinner plates and beside her, CJ looked like he had just seen the Tooth Fairy twerking.

I smiled and jogged over to them, wobbling a little on my black ankle boots. "Morning!" I chirped, reaching for my locker.

My friends continued to stare. After a long moment, Rachel closed her mouth and cleared her throat. "You look...nice?"

"Thought I'd try something new, you know?" I shrugged as I stuffed my backpack in my locker and fished out my binders.

"You're wearing makeup..." CJ mumbled in heavy disbelief.

I scoffed, still grinning. "I've worn makeup before guys, calm down."

"Yeah, a little!" CJ gestured to my outfit, the shock wearing off. "I'm digging the new look, though."

I did a little spin for him and he laughed, a smile cracking across his face. Well, at least he approved.

Rachel however, frowned. "You pierced your ears," she said, her voice unnaturally high and pinched.

"Oh that was all Stacy," I said, waving a dismissive hand as I shouldered my backpack.

Something pained flashed across Rachel's eyes. "Oh. Stacy." She closed her locker. "The new girl."

My brow furrowed. I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong with that, but the bell suddenly rang, urging the lingering students to get to first period.

"I gotta go," Rachel blurted. "See you in third." Without waiting for my response, she rushed away. CJ and I watched her go with matching frowns.

"What's her deal?" I muttered.

CJ shrugged. "No idea. But we should probably move now."

With quick goodbyes, we parted ways and I let myself be dragged along by the crowd. Students cast me wide-eyed glances as I moved between them, people I knew and were shocked and people I didn't, who were curious and a little disgusted.

I ignored them all, and instead popped in my earbuds and let the music lead my stride. Across the hallway, Calvin caught sight of me and smirked, taking a step closer - but then his gaze trailed along my new outfit. His grin fell and his eyes widened. I cocked my head, silently challenging him. Quickly, he turned away.

A smirk tugged at my lips. Confidence, that's what he was scared of. Calvin and half the other perverted members of the student body would bully and harass anyone until the victim grew confidence.

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