For Readers Old and New

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To the old readers, you can skip ahead to this:

For new readers, let's have a little chat, shall we?
This is the revised story of My Motorcycle Guardian. You do not need to read the original, in fact I prefer this one over the original.
I'm trying to build up all the reads and votes that the original had so please vote and comment whenever you can! You will quickly learn that my favorite thing to do is read through them and reply to some of them. Also, if you see original readers commenting spoilers, tag me and I'll delete it.
Spoilers do not include theories about who is who, however, some of the theories might be freakishly close to the actual plot.

I believe that's all. Sit back and enjoy: Through the Flames!

[new readers shouldn't read below, as it holds some spoilers]


Didja miss me?

Course you did.
Anywayssss so welcome back to the story. Here are some important things to let you know:

1) The plot of this story is mostly the same, BUT there is a lot of added subplots that weave into the plot and change it from the original. I did this to make it more exciting for new readers and for you guys, so you're not reading the exact same book twice. And there were SO MANY PLOT HOLES AND LOOSE ENDS! Don't worry, mommy tied them up for you. :)

2) Old MMG has some issues. I will be the first to say it. For one thing, it lacked diversity across the board. Young Writer didn't understand the importance of diversity when she began, but closer to the end of the book Writer started to think of some of the characters in a more diverse way. Since Hellmington is a mostly Straight/American/Caucasian neighborhood, no one has majorly changed. Their personalities are mostly the same (just better written) and they are still themselves. These changes won't have a big impact on the story, but it just adds diversity to the characters which, as I've said before, is important. This goes for both ethnicity and LGBTQ+.
If you need further explanation, I will be happy to explain.

3) For the love of all things holy, please don't spoil it for these newbies. I know it's hard to believe, but I made the plot more surprising. I know! Hanna isn't actually a pea brain Wattpad girl anymore! Crazy right? I mean, she is still clueless on some fronts but on others (such as our motorcycle friends) I want the newbies to try to figure it out themselves.

4) #RR/#OR. <- you may have seen this around Wattpad. It's what ReReaders put around certain scenes that they really enjoyed/hated/got emotional over to let people know "I'm not spoiling, I'm just really excited about this or something to come!!" I personally don't mind if you do this. I would be SO HAPPY to see original readers again. I know most of you already if you commented a lot on the original, and I'm so excited to see your thoughts on this new version.

5) ON THAT NOTE: Please please please comment and vote! I want to rebuild all the reads and votes lost from the original and I would absolutely LOVE it if you guys commented your thoughts, emotions, whatever. Comments actually mean more to me than popularity or votes. It shows me you truly enjoy reading enough to say what you think.

6) This is more of a BTW. Since the original had some freakishly short chapters or scenes that really didn't need to be there, I cut and merged stuff so each new chapter is now longer. Because of this, the plot happens a lot quicker!

7) And if you need more convincing to read this hell trip again....what if I told you I made a new character? One you might hate or love beyond your years? ;)

I think that's all. I really hope you enjoy!
~Weirdo (you can also call me Winifred, now.)

Through the flames *MMG REVISION-COMPLETED✔️*Where stories live. Discover now