Chapter Thirty-Two: It's Not Tea

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An important question at the end :)

"What's your plan here, exactly?" Leo asked from beside me in the kitchenette as he sipped from a mug of chamomile tea.

"How does one trap five boys in the same room together when they aren't talking to each other?" I asked in response before grinning. "Pretty girls."

Stacy suddenly called out from the couch, clicking off her phone. "Jay will be here in ten minutes."

I arched an eyebrow. Wasn't the drive from the school like, twenty minutes?

"Hah!" Rachel wiggled pridefully. "I got Jonas to say he'll be here in eight."

"That's because he thinks you're going to ask him out, Hunny." Stacy rolled her eyes and Rachel turned red.

Noah sat on the couch opposite them, looking equal parts impressed and scared. He had used Leo's laptop to email Issac and explain everything, and Issac agreed to Skype us (Flisbee was now out of the picture) since he was taking care of Quinn until Quinn's current partner could take over.

I couldn't help but recall the oversized band hoodie CJ and I had seen Quinn wearing that one time.

"What about CJ?" I suddenly blurted, nearly forgetting that he deserved to know what was going on.

"He's coming too," Rachel said. She shrugged. "I texted him the same message I texted Jonas."

"And what was that?"

Rachel read her message aloud. "Hey, it's Rachel. I'm with Hanna right now at the address listed below. Come over?"

Stacy snorted. "That's not as bad as I thought it was."

"Well, for Jonas I added that I was alone -"


"- so he doesn't think Jay will be here! Why are you laughing?"

I hid my smile behind a hand and rolled my eyes while Stacy cackled. Bless her heart, she tries.

Leo drank deeply from his mug which I was beginning to suspect wasn't just tea. "I'll be in my bedroom until you need me," he muttered, "I don't need to witness teenage boys getting into a catfight."

He left, locking the door behind him and I gulped. They wouldn't actually fight, would they?


Sure enough, Jonas arrived two minutes before Jay and Rachel quickly pulled him into the bathroom. I grimaced, hoping against hope she wouldn't actually ask him out just for the sake of stalling for time.

Jay arrived shortly after, and Noah and I casually ducked behind the kitchenette counter while Stacy let him in.

I peeked over the counter despite Noah's quiet hissing. I want to see the tea, Noah.

"What's up?" Jay asked, running a hand up and down her arm in greeting. She pulled him into a tight hug and Jay froze.


"Just call me Stacy," I could just faintly hear her whisper, "I'm so sick of that name. I want to be Stacy."

Jay nuzzled the top of her head with his nose and smiled against her hair. "I like Stacy too."

Dwaaa! Too bad I had to ruin this moment.

I popped up behind the counter and Jay swiveled, his eyes widening.

"Hey Hanna," he greeted hesitantly.

I smiled. "Sup. YO, LEO!"

That was Rachel's cue. She swung open the bathroom door and pushed Jonas out before rushing to my side.

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