You're drunk♡ - Reaction

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Jungkook is at home waiting for you to finish your bond with your friends at a bar. He's worried and angry at the same time. He let you get along with your friends because he sometime needs too but he just can't help to control his feeling when it comes to you.

Once you entered your shared apartment:

"Good mowning people in this house! LET'S PARTEHHH!" I shouted.

*He chuckled at how cute you are but still angry"

"It's not morning, baby. And you're late lady" He's kinda angry.

"Oh reawy?...W-wait are you my Uncle OR something?"

"What do you think, hmm?" He asked while putting me on the hot tub after undressing me.

He kissed me on my forehead while I was soaked at this warm tub.

"My husband?" I asked innocently.

I saw how his lips pursed at the moment but got back from being angry.


Thank yoUUOOouuUuUu!! <3

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