Strangers♡ pt. 2 - Imagine

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It's been too many years since he left.
It hurts like hell but i waited.
And i'm still waiting...

I know i shouldn't do this things, what kind of person would still wait to the person who hurted them. Sigh, things you could do for love.

It was raining and i was looking at the window of my house waiting for him.

I never understand why he left, i never know his reasons...reasons that i kept asking to myself tho i didn't know the answer either. Even if i kept on asking why, Only silence will answer me.

Since he left i was back to being lonely again. Everything goes back from what i was before.

You know when you're just living a normal life then you met new persons on your life and in just one mistake everything will just go back to what it was before. When there's no them.

I hated it.


I pick up my coat as i decided
To go to a mall.
It's been a long time since i got out of my house.

I drove my car to the location. Oh yeah, i have a car. It was the money that i earned for the past few years. I also got myself my own house and i have my own cafe branch, well, it's not that big i just only have one or two here in Seoul and it's still growing.

I was now at the mall and i went in.
I quickly searched for my favorite clothing brand.

I picked up some beautiful clothes that i think would fit on me. I went to the cashier to pay, while i was paying and handing the items to the cashier i saw a familiar face at the same clothing brand as where i was right now.

I stared at him and looked at him closer. I think i know him, please...please be Jungkook.

And then he looked at me.
I felt butterflies on my stomach.
It's been a long time since i last saw his beautiful big doe brown eyes.

It's Jungkook.

I think he didn't recognize me until he went out. I quickly pulled the paper bag and i went out searching for him.

I saw him walking through the exit i followed him but there's a bunch of people who crossed my way and again, i lost him.

I didn't stop to look for him, my heart was pounding really hard. I can't see him since it was night and it's hard to search at night.

Then i saw someone outside the mall. I quickly ran at him and hold his wrist.

Jungkook's POV

It's been a while since i got back here at Seoul.
It's been a while since i last saw Y/n.

I was back after studying at the states. And finally i got a job here in Seoul. Maybe she's wondering why i left. Well the reason was...
My mom wanted us to be separated and you know i can't do that. I love Y/n.
My mom said that once i finished my studies at states i could go back to Seoul and meet with Y/n again but if i didn't do that, we can't really be together. But i guess it was to late.

Yeah, i know what i did was wrong but that's something that could save us.
I hurted her and i felt guilty. I bet she has a boyfriend right now, i bet she's happy and i hope that guy fulfilled the part that i haven't done when i was her man.


I was spending my day shopping at a mall.
I went inside the last shop for the day and pulled out some nice clothes. After a while, I payed for it.
And went out to go home since it was getting late.

I was going to my car when a hand pulled my wrist.

I turned around and i saw her. Y/n.

"Y-y/n?" I asked.

Her eyes were getting watery until she burst out on tears.
He pulled her hands up to her face and covered it while sobbing.
It broke my heart knowing she cried like this everynight.

I looked at her not knowing what to do.

"Y-y/n sorry...i'm really sorry" i said tearing up.

I still love Y/n.

She put her arms back down and looked at me.

"Sorry? Huh?... don't you know what i've been through when you left? hurts like hell kookie!" She shouted.

Kookie? It's been a long time since i heard that and i still loved it.

"Y/n i didn't meant to leave you...i have reasons why, please forgive me.." i said as tears were streaming down my face.

"Why? You fell out of love? You didn't love me anymore?...You know what it's been years since you left and i still love you Jungkook! I waited for you to come back knowing that maybe you'll be back in just a short time but I was losing hope as time passes by...but i still found myself waiting for you and still loving you, Jungkook...Why? Just. Why?! You know i only have you! I have nothing left with me except You! But then you left?...why?" She said while crying.

Once i heard that i felt really guilty, guilty not because i hurted someone's feelings, guilty beacuse i left the most valuable person in my life.

I sobbed and hugged her.
I missed her hugs, kisses, scent and i missed her the most.

"Y/n i'm sorry...i know sorry will not make everythings up. I hurted you i know that but i still love you, i always love you even though i left you...i'll make it up to you, i'll explain everything baby...please" i said.

I know i shouldn't say baby but i used to say that to her and i hope she would still accept me.

End of Jungkook's POV


Y/n's POV

Once he hugged me i felt so desperate for his love again.
I hugged him back and i realized that i love him still.

He said that he would explain everything and...

I trusted him this night...again.


We were at my house and he already explained everything to me. Now i understand why...everything was now clear to me...

He said that he still love me and i know it was real.
I accepted his apology and we came back to where we were before. I never felt happier in my life. This was the best.

We were at my bed hugging each other and he was holding my waist and carressing my hair while singing to me.
His voice had never changed.

I hope tomorrow will be the same as today. I hope he will never leave again.

Until i drifted off to sleep while he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.


I woke up.

He's not here.

I get really nervous, i can't breath.

I went downstairs to search for him.

And there he is. Cooking breakfast.
When i saw him i get relief, he didn't left me.

"Baby you're here" He grinned when he saw me.

Jungkook went to me and kissed my lips passionately.
I missed those lips.

"I love you mr. Bunny~" I said.
"I love you too Mrs. Bunny~" He said and kissed my forehead.

We went to the counter and ate the food he made...

And this day was the happiest, he didn't left me and i know he will never this time.
And now we're not strangers anymore, we were now lovers that knows we will never leave each other's side again.


Here it is Bunnies!~
Hope you'll like this part:)
and...please tell me how was it PLEASE~ I'M BEGGING YOU PEOPLE!~ KEKEKE


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