Us♡ - Imagine

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I was on my room thinking about my bestfriend...

My bestfriend that i always loved...
That i always needed...
And that i always think that he could feel the same way...

But guess he's not.

I don't know how to confess.
Cause do you think confessing to your long long time friend would be easy? Of course not.
I always thought of confessing but there's always a thought in my mind that if i do that, our friendship will end. Or else we would just stay as we are and let him be happy...but all i want is, him to be happy but damn, i'm hoping he's happy because of me.


As i was laying on my bed being all bored, i quickly got an idea to call my friend for a drink at a club.


"Yesss???" My friend said.
"So i was bored and i was just wanna ask you out for a drink?" I asked waiting for a response.
"Oh! What a coincidence!, We were at a club right now with our friends here at ___ club. BE READY WE'LL WAIT~"
she said and hanged up.

A smile crept on my lips and i started to prepare.


I was now done on preparing and i head out of my house and started driving to the location.

Once i parked the car i get out immediately, being all excited to meet my friends.

So i walked inside the club and a loud music is all i could hear.

After a minute of searching i finally found them.

"Y/N! HERE!" She said with a smile.

I smiled back and i saw the rest of my friends. I walked up to them and they started greeting and hugging me. And we started dancing with the music


After a while of dancing i saw a familiar guy on the couch being surrounded with his friends and a girl on his lap and being all flirty with him. My heart clenched.

It was Jungkook...
My bestfriend.

I stopped from dancing and i walked up to our couch that was near to him.

I stare at them.
And...he seems enjoying it huh?.

I quickly call for a bunch of alcohol and started to drink and cry that i was holding back earlier.

I was so hurt.
It hurts. i am, in a drunk state
I was getting dizzy and my eyes were sore from crying.

And a guy suddenly walks up to me abd sits right next to me.

"Hey cutie, what are you doing here all alone?" The guy smirked.
"It's none of your business" i said trying to act brave even if i was really scared.
"Ooh feisty kitten. I like it." He smirked again.
"Excuse me?" I said and get up.

He quickly grab my wrist while i was trying hard to escape from his grip.

"Let go! What do you need?!" I shouted being annoyed.
"You're drunk so just have fun with me and we're good baby" He smirked again.
Ughh, it's so annoying.
"No! And don't call me that!" I shouted again.

Jungkook's POV

I was on a club with this annoying girl on my lap. I didn't even know her and she just sat.

And all i could think of was Y/n.

And i heard a voice just like hers maybe i was thinking of her too much that's why...

But i heard another voice but this time it was shouting, it sounded just like hers. And i was looking to the crowd and...

I saw her trying hard to get out to the guy's grip.

What was she doing here? And a guy was touching her?

I felt anger against me and i quickly pushed the girl from my lap and stood up walking in her and i quickly punch the guy straight up to his face and i held Y/n in my arms tight.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO HER AGAIN!" I shouted in anger.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" The guy shouted.

"HER BOYFRIEND!" I shouted again and we walked out of the club.

End of Jungkook's POV


We walked outside and he scolded me.

"What are you doing here? Do you even know that it's dangerous?!" He shouted.

"Why? Can't i enjoy myself?!" I shouted back.

"Oh God Y/n. Do you know that i'm worried? What if that guy hurts you, do you know what to do?!"

"Why do you care?, Stop caring for me! Just stop! Cause it just hurts if i'd keep on hoping that there's gonna be 'us'. I'm tired of thinking that maybe just a little you would like me not as a friend. I'm tired of being hurt and I'm sick of this pain but you know... i'd still hoping on 'us'. Please..." I cried.

"Y/n...I love you..." He said.

I chuckled.

"Don't say I love you just because you pity me, say it because you really do..."

I said.

"I really do Y/n...and i'm so happy cause you feel the same way...i always pray for this day to come and it came...Y/n I love you" He said while looking at me in the eye and tears streaming down his face.

I softened and i blushed at the same time.

I was actually trying to hold my smile. And Jungkook noticed that and he smiled too.

"If you love me you wouldn't flirt with other girl and she was actually sitting to your lap"
"How dare she have the guts to do that" I mumbled while looking away.

"I don't even know her, i think she's drunk...why? Is my baby jealous?" He teased.

"W-what? B-baby?" I stuttered.

"Mhmm, cause from now on there's gonna be 'us' "

And we shared a passionate and sweet kiss.


Comment anything you want!

And request if you want alsoooooo, feel free to ask question and i'll try to answer!~"

Thank you for reading!~♡♡♡

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