Sick♡ (Requested) - Imagine

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Requested by :RevathiHareendranath
Hope you'll enjoy it!~


The bell rings, which means the last calss just ended.

I lazily pick up the bag from my chair and stand up.
It's been a long day and i'm so weak to pick up my bag. I tried to put the bag on my shoulder but it just fell on the chair again.

I feel like i just want to lay on my bed all day and do nothing.

"Y/n!" Jungkook, my boyfriend called out my name.

We were on the different classes but he waits for me so we can go home and spend time with each other.

"Oppa" I replied weakly and goes out of my room and goes towards him.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Nothing. Just tired babe" I said.

"Okay." He said and holds my hand.

We walk towards his car and he opened the door for me.
How sweet.

He opened his door and he started to drive. While driving i was really quiet and he holds my hand again and asked me.

"Babe, you sure you're alright?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm really fine babe, don't worry about me" I reassured him with a smile.

While driving i feel i little sleepy and i can't handle my sleepiness that's why i dozed of to sleep.

While i'm asleep Jungkook had already parked the car infront of our shared apartment. And he turned his head towards me and he saw me sleeping peacefully.
He is really worried about me and he thinks that i'm sick that's why he held out his hand and placed it on my forehead.

"Oh, She's sick!" He mumbled.

He didn't want me to be bothered on my beautiful sleep that's why he just carried me bridal style and he opened the door by his back and goes to our bedroom and placed me there.
He changed my uniform into one of his big hoodie.

"Cute" He grinned while looking at me with his hoodie.

He goes downstairs to get some wet towel so he can place it to my head, he also made a soup for me to eat. He get a pan and started making soup.

"I may not be good but i'll try my best for her" He mumbled while making soup.

Once he's done he goes upstairs to take care of you.


I opened my eyes and i see the ceiling and i can feel i light weight on my forehead.

I turned my head on my right only to see jungkook looking at me worriedly.

"Babe, you're awake, i made you soup" He smiled.

"W-what?" I asked.

"You are sick, that's why i made you soup. I know i'm not the best boyfriend sorry..." He scratch the back of his neck shyly.

"Aww, you are the best no matter what baby" I said and hugged him.

"Thank you, but finish this soup first babe" He chuckled.

"Of course i'll finish it cause you made it!~" I said.

He just blushed and get's shy again.

He feeds me the soup and he lay down beside me.

"Oppa don't go near me i'm sick" I said pushing him.

"It's okay as long as i'm with you~" He said pulling me to his arms and kissing my forehead.

And we just stay in the bed cuddling.


Thank you @RevathiHareendranath for suggesting...hope you like ittt!~

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