Confession♡ - Imagine

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*Rings* Your alarm clock rings while you are sleeping, When suddenly someone shout at you so loudly.

"Y/nnn! , Wake up, You are late at your school!" Your mother shouts from the kitchen
"Yes mom, just give me a minute please" You replied.


I am... well, (self-proclaim) a good student on this university. I sometime just don't wanna go to school but I needed to. One thing is that school is Important and second... Jeon Jungkook.

If you're gonna ask me, why? Then, It's because, I had this feeling for him! This feelings of mine has been long overdue! I just don't wanna confess since I'm scared. 

We don't know what it entails unless we tried.


I am already ready to leave the house after I just finished my routine.

"Bye mom! I'm leaving for school, now!" I shouted while unlocking the door.

"Take care sweetie!" She ran towards me and kissed me on the cheeks.

I was already at the gate when I heard the bell rang, Indicating that the first subject will start.

Oh shiz! I ran and ran until I reached for my room. Fortunately, Our teacher was still not there.

Lucky, huh?

I sat on my chair jus right after I put my bag down on my desk. The seat was placed just right beside my crush slash bestfriend. 


It is already lunch time when I'm on my locker trying to put things in there. I opened the locker and a note was there.

"Meet me outside the campus. 5PM"

"Who put this here?" I mumbled.

And there's no name here? Even initials? Nickname?

I'm so perplexed. Should I? What if it's a prank, though? Well, we'll try?


The class ended.  So I already decided to meet up with whoever or whatever creature put this letter on my locker.

I went out of our building and started to wait. Damn, is that gonna make me wait here?

A hand tapped my shoulder and my eyes widened to see Jungkook.

"Oh, hi?" I chuckled.

"Sorry, I can't come over today. Hmm, are you waiting for someone?" He asked.

"Aww, that's fine! And yeah I'm waiting for someone! Are you waiting for someone? Probably, The girl you told me you like?" I teased.

He smiled.

I smiled then looked away.

A long stretch of silence was the only thing that surfaced for a few long minutes.

He was just looking at me while I was just trying to avoid his eyes.

I'm looking at everything just to avoid him, Oh what's that a car? Oh, A tree! Oh, damn!

I probably look stupid looking at every car and telling it's color and look on my mind.

"I'm sorry..." 

HUH? Sorry for what? For liking that girl? Probably he knows now that I like him.

Damn! I look pathetic but I don't need anyone's pity. It just makes me cry.

Tss. He could've told me straight than say sorry like I'm such a pity.

I scoffed when tears pooled down my eyes.

"Did you wait long?... " He asked.

Yeah, for so long.

"No, It's okay... I know that you won't come over today" I tried to sound happy.


"I'm sorry if I did not meet you at the exact time that I told you. Now, my baby's upset" He said.


I looked at him. He saw my eyes with unshed tears. His jaw dropped.

He reached for my arms and asked me.

"Why? What's wrong, baby?" He worriedly asked.

"Are you?... " The one who puts that paper?


"Yes" He sighed.

"WHAT?!" I pushed him away.

He smiled " Uh-huh, and I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what? For pranking me? Damn, you!" I spat angrily.

"Uhmm, for loving you?" He said seriously while trying to hold my waist and kiss my forehead.


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