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Emma's POV

Where do I start? Well you know I'm Emma Swan. I'm married to my beautiful wife Regina Swan-Mills. I wanted her to take my last name but she didn't want to give up Mills for me. I'm not hurt. I still love her. I've let my grow out. It's about bob now I guess. Regina's lets her grown more and I think she looks gorgeous. I'm 20. My wife is 25 about to be 26 and she doesn't look a day over 19. She's pregnant. Almost about to pop too. We have three kids and one in her belly. Our oldest is Hayden. Who's 5. Hope who's 5. Hayden came out first. Henry who's not yet one and can walk. And the baby in her tummy. We've going through hell. So much. Fighting a lot. Regina finish college. Only did a few months anyway. How's she you ask? Very ready to get this baby out. I'm ready too. I know it's going to be a lot. Four kids. I'm still in school and I have three years to go. I'm working at a station to help with anything even if Regina says I don't need to. But as the man of the house I should pay all the bills. But that's just me wanting my wife to have anything and everything she desires. So here we are present day.

I wake and groan. This couch is not the best to sleep on. Yes it's so soft and I could fall asleep easily but it's not the same as having my baby in bed with me. Waking up with her. Having my arms wrapped around he. I actually sleep with a pillow when I don't sleep with her. I spoon it. It's funny but I miss sleeping in the same bed as my wife. We've been fighting like hell. It's her hormones and her saying I'm never here. That I'm always working or at school or out. And I understand and it's just been a lot of stress on the relationship. We have the most amazing sex and even that fell off. She's mad at me all the time and I'm mad that she's mad at me! I'm just trying to provide and work. That's it. If I didn't have to. I wouldn't. But I want to and I need to. I won't have her doing everything. That's not happening.

"Emma get up you're going to be late." I hear my annoyed wife say to me. I sigh and keep my eyes closed.

"What now?" I ask.

"Excuse me?" She says.

"Nothing Regina."

"You know you don't call me 'baby' anymore?"

"Nope didn't notice."

"Asshole." She mumbles. I sit up and she walks, well more like wobbles into the kitchen and it's quite funny.

"What did I do?" I ask getting up and following her. She starts on breakfast.

"I don't know Emma."

"You know you have called me 'Em' in a really long time."

"And?" She sasses.

"Who are you talking to?" I say stepping closer and she looks at me not fazed.


"What the hell Regina! I didn't do anything today! I woke up and you started shit!"

"What did you do today? That shouldn't even be a question Emma! You shouldn't have to say that!"

"Well I do. I'm on the dog house for nothing. You want me one minute and the next you don't want me to touch you! What do you want from me woman!" I yell throwing my hands around.

"I want you to love me! I want you to love me like we don't have a tomorrow. I want you to call me baby again even if it's so annoying I love when you call me that! I want you to call me beautiful again. I want to feel beautiful because only you make me feel that way Emma. I want you to kiss me again! Kiss me like you love me! I want you to fuck me for goodness sake. I want you to bend me in half Emma and I want you to make love to me at the same time. I want you to not let me kick you out our room because you know I can't sleep without you! I just want my wife back!"

"Regina I'm trying here.... But you're moody and I'm sorry to say it and I love you like hell but it's annoying as fuck! I know your hormones are all fucked up with this pregnancy but you're constantly annoyed with me. And you make me feel like you don't want me around you. I try to be romantic and kiss you and you say I want you in my pants. I try to cuddle but you don't want to all of a sudden because I'm suffocating you. I try to show you my love and I'm being too mushy. I'm trying to provide for us and you say I'm trying to ignore you and our kids. Regina I'm really trying here."

"When did we get so messed up?"

"What?" I ask confused.

"When did we start fighting everyday? When did we stop caring about how much we hurt each other with our words? When did it all go downhill? We were fine before we came and now. We don't sleep together. Not just in the sex way Emma we haven't slept in the same bed in months!"

"Regina it's okay." I take two strides forward and I wipe her teary face.

"When did this happen? Some days I'm mad and you and I don't even know why I'm mad. I can't even remember why I'm pissed at you."

"It's okay."

"I've been such a bitch. I'm sorry Em." She looks down and I shake my head and kiss her forehead. I pull her close and she wraps her arms around my mid-section hugging me. I kiss her head over and over.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. And I can't loose you."

"Emma our relationship shouldn't be like this."


"It's should not!"

"I know Regina."

"They way we talk to each other. And it's mostly me."

"Don't blame yourself."

"But it is and I know it is. I'm constantly on you. Riding your ass like some stupid moth. And I'm sorry. I really am."

"I know. I know. I'm sorry too."

"Come to bed."

"I have school."


"I know."


"I'm sorry. I swear I'll get the same days you have off."

"I just miss you."

"I'm right here."

"Maybe you are. But it doesn't feel like it."

"Regina I'm trying here."

"Well try harder!" She cries and I kiss her hard. She grabs my waist and pushes me up against the counter. I groan as it digs into my back. She leans up and kiss my neck.

"Please don't leave."

"Fuck it. I miss you baby." I see her smile widen and I lick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck kissing me. I hold her ass in my hand.

"How are you even picking me up right now?" She asks and I peck her lips.

"Shut up you're not heavy at all."

"I love you Emma."

"I love you too baby. Please know you mean more to me that anything in this world baby. I love you like I've never loved anyone. You are everything to me and no matter you're irreplaceable. No matter how many hot girls come my way I love you. I don't care how much we fight baby I love you and I can't get enough of you."

"I know and I love you more for that."

"Now let's fuck!"

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