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Emma's POV

There's a knock on my apartment door and I open it to see Regina. I look at her in shock. She pushes me aside coming in and then she pushes me up against the wall. I look down at her confused and she doesn't say a word. She looks down at my lips and I quickly roll us over so she's against the wall. Her hands run up and down my body from my chest to my abs. Her nails raking down my bare skin. I didn't know who was at the door so I'm only in a sports bra and gym shorts. The tension is building by the second and I feel the urge to fuck her like I never have before. She pulls me impossibly closer and her watery chocolate eyes move from my green ones to my lips.


"I-I-" My phone starts ringing cutting Regina off she looks down at my pocket. More like my crotch but whatever. I answer without looking.

"Hello?" I say still staring at my beautiful ex wife.

"Hey Emma!" I hear Caroline's cheery voice and Regina visibly saddens but her eyes still don't leave mine.

"Hey baby." She frowns slightly and I sigh.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I was just working out? Why?"

"I wanted to go out. But you kind of sound busy right now."

"I'm sorry Care. Do you need me?"

"I just miss you. I haven't seen you since the weekend. It's almost been a week babe."

"I miss you too."

"So tonight?"

"Tomorrow works fine. If that's okay with you baby."

"Sure. You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. See you." I hang up throwing my phone to the couch behind me and I slip my arm around her slim waist missing the feeling.

"Emma." She says breathless.

"Regina what are you doing here?"

"I don't even know. And you have a girlfriend so this" She says referring to us right now.

"Can not happen."

"Yeah. Can't happen at all." I say my eyes now glued on her lips.

"Totally." She says. My hands starts working on undoing her blouse.

"We can't do this." I say as she steps out of her skirt now halfway naked in front of me.

"Now we can't." She says pulling my gym shorts and boxers down.

"Someone will end up hurt." I say and she nods as I unclip her bra.

"But one more time?" I ask and she jumps on me wrapping her legs around my waist.


Emma's POV

My phone dings and I get up with a naked Caroline pressed against my body. I kiss her boob before grabbing my phone. It's a face time call from Regina. I answer sitting up a little. Caroline moves cuddling up to me.

"Sleeping with you last week was a terrible idea!" She says.

"Yeah. Really bad."

"You're with her?" She asks and I give her a look.

"She can't hear anything when she's sleeping." I say and she moves cuddling into my neck.

"Emma." She says annoyed and I try not to smile. She sounds just like Regina when I'm being an ass.

"Yes baby." I say to the blonde. Regina rolls her eyed so pissed.

"You have work?" Her eyes are still closed.

"Yeah. I do."

"Oh damn. I need a shower. Join me?"

"You sure can't anymore." I whisper smirking and she slips out of bed naked and I lick my lips. As soon as the door closes.

"Emma Swan!"

"Yeah Regina?" I say like I didn't just ogle her.

"You're such an ass."

"And you're sleeping with me!" I say and she rolls her eyes again.

"I can't believe I'm doing this with you." She says in shock.

"Me too. Especially since you're seeing Stefan again."

"I've never cheated and now. I can't stop!" She says the last part through gritted teeth.

"I thought you did have work?"

"It's a lie Regina."


"So when she comes home and I'm sweaty from sleeping with you I'll tell you I was doing training today."

"Oh, do you live together?" She asks and I see her face fall.

"Kind of. She just sleeps over a lot."

"So you like her a lot?"

"Regina. You don't really want to know that."

"Do you love her?"

"No! No God no. She's just someone."

"Rude." Regina says and I smile.

"Whatever. I'll see you?"

"Em this is so wrong."

"Yeah it is. But I love you and I never stopped loving you." I say and she blushes cutely which makes me smile.

"Damn." I whisper.

"What?" She asks confused.

"You're so beautiful!"

"Shut up!"

"You know it's the truth." I say and she giggles hanging up. I put my phone down and I let the covers fall off my naked body. Caroline opens the door and she's dressed. I smirk and she moves straddling me. I lift her skirt up and push her panties to the side entering her.

"Emma!" She says in shock with a slight moan in her voice.

"What?" I ask smirking. She shakes her head and I roll over kissing her.

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