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Smut filler chapter!

Regina's POV

I wake up to little pecks all over my exposed shoulder and back. I groan feeling throughly fucked from Emma. No we didn't really do anything cause it's not safe yet. But man was that amazing. I can't even remember how many times I had a scream worthy orgasm like I did last night. I smile feeling more little kisses grazing my skin.


"I love you."

"I love you too." I say smiling widely. I roll over to face Emma and she's smiling.

"What are we doing today?"

"I would love to shop a little."

"You hate shopping."

"But I'll love it with you."

"After can we go see the museum."

"Anything for you babe."

"Can we sleep in?"

"Hell yeah!"

"How about another round?"

"Don't have to ask me twice." She says flipping me onto my back.

"Hand and knees princess."

"Or what?" I ask. She smacks my ass and I yelp her name in shock.

"Do it!" I do as told and she grabs my hips pulling me to her front and I feel her boner. Hard as a damn rock. Oh god. I start moving my hips for some type of friction.

"Ahhh." She says and pulls back.

"Emma no." I whine and she smacks my ass again. I yelp feeling the sting but I'm just getting wetter. She does it two more times and I'm soaking.

"Damn baby." I feel her tongue lick my slit and I throw my head back moaning.

"Yes Emma." She does it again.

"You like that?"

"Yes baby." I whisper.

"Ride my face." She says and pulls me down into her tonuge. I start to ride her tongue slowly because if I go any faster I will loose it.

"Oh god." I moan and she holds my ass tight.

"Fuck!" I scream as her fingers slip into my ass. She hums against my core and it makes me moan again. I start to pick up my pace and she moves her finger fast fucking my ass quickly and hard.

"I'm gonna...." I pause and my hips jerk forward and I cum in her mouth and on her face. She slips out my ass and I moan.

"Oh my god Emma." I pant and she gets behind me and easily slips into my ass. I moan and she pulls my hair making my back arch and she fucks me hard and fast. God I missed this so much even if we did last night. I always miss this.

"Oh god. Emma. Oh right there Em. Yes baby. Fuck me."

"You like that?"

"Oh yes fuck me. AUHHHH!" I'm screaming now.

"Liked being filed from behind. Such a dirty girl." She says.

"Yes papí I love it." She picks up even more speed after I say her favorite nickname.

"Say it again."

"Don't stop papí. Oh god please fuck me harder papí."

"Who else fills you like I can?"

"No one papí!"

"Who fucks your pussy just like this babygirl?"

"No one but you papí. Only you fuck me this good. AUHH! ONLY YOU. Just you papí."

"I think you're lying." I sit up to grab the headboard and Emma slips one hand to play with my clit which makes me scream in ecstasy and one to mess with my nipples.

"How's that my love?" I can't even say anything. I am just moaning and I love it.

"Fuck me!"

"Oh I will!"


"Harder! Break me papí! Please oh yesssssss! Yes FUCK PAPÍ! YES YES YES! FUCK ME! YES FUCK ME! OH YEAH FUCK ME GOOD!"

"God Regina. You're so perfect. Yes! Let your sexy ass swallow my big dick baby! Yes fuck!" She moans louder and pinches my nipple. I scream and I start to loose control and my arms around about to give out.

"Em." I whisper she immediately wraps an arm around my waist pulling me up against her back and somehow she goes deeper in my ass and I moan playing with my own breasts. Emma rubs my clit roughly and I'm soaking her whole hand and I don't care.

"AUHHHHHH! Fuck!" I moan and she rubs harder and I finally cum. She cums in my ass pushing me back onto my hands. She kisses up my bare back.

"I'm about to really fuck you up. We have to stop."

"No please papí."

"Regina." She says and I turn over spreading my legs.

"Please Em." She looks down growling and devors me. I moan and move my hips grabbing the back of her head and pulling her closer to me. She eats me out like I'm her last meal and I love it.

"Oh yes! I'm cumming!" I scream and I cum hard. She licks it all away and I shudder.

"Oh god Emma I want you! I need you!"


"Papí I need you to fuck me. I need it."

"Fuck Regina." She says kissing my neck. I grab her ass pulling her down and she accidentally slips into me. I moan loudly. I'm going to cum just from this feeling alone.

"HOLY FUCK!" She says and cums. I cum right after her.

"Did I hurt you?" She asks nervously looking at me with so much concern and I love her even more for this. She's so freaking cute. Gosh! I love her!

"I don't even know if you do it just felt so good to have you in me again. After forever. I miss it and I can't even think right now." I say and she pecks my lips lovingly.

"I love you with my whole heart." She says.

"I know. I feel it. And I love you too." I say my hands caressing her cheeks softly and she closes her eyes smiling.

"Great. Now sleep baby." She says.

"Mhm I wanna go again." I say biting my lip and I grab her cock. Emma's mouth opens and she moans like a girl for once and it's so sexy.

"Oh my god papí!"

"God I'm really fucking you now!"

"Please do me papí."

"Ask and you will receive babygirl."

"I better."

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