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Regina's POV

Emma opens the door and we get attacked by our three babies. I smile and pick up each of them kissing their heads.

"Hi mom." Emma says hugging her mother.

"Dad." They hug and I smile.

"You know you're family." I hug them and Emma takes Ava and I grab Noah kissing his little head.

"Hi baby." I kiss Ava's head and Emma kisses Noah's head.

"We missed you guys." I say to our kids as we sit on the couch.

"We missed you too mommy!"

"What about dada?" Emma asks pouting and Hope grabs her face kissing Emma who smiles.

"Thank you baby."

"How are you guys?" Mary asks.

"Good we needed this. Thank you. I know you guys know we aren't in the best place but after this weekend I feel like we're getting back to our normal self."

"That's great." David says smiling genuinely.

"Yeah. It really is." Emma says wrapping her arm around me and I lean into her side smiling.

I'm making lunch when I feel arms around my waist and I smile shaking my head.

"What Emma?"


"I'm not! If anyone's a brat it's you! You've only gotten worse with the 'brat' thing over the week."

"You're a brat and you know it!" She says and laughs.

"Whatever. What do you want?" I ask while I'm cutting the crusts off the sandwiches. They used to eat them until I made them once and they saw Emma eating it like that and now all three of them only like it that way.

"A few of my friends want to meet and have lunch or dinner with us this weekend. They want to meet you."

"Dinner works."

"I can call your mom." She says.

"Okay." I say and she kisses me cheek running away.

"Idiot." I say shaking my head.

"You love me brat!"

"Emma Swan!"

"I love you baby."

"I'm going to kill you!"

I'm dressed in a long sleeve maroon colored shirt. The v-neck is low and sexy. I have on a black leather lie skirt. It stops about mid-thigh and I put on some jewelry and my hair is down and straight. I spray some perfume and I put on some heels. Emma comes out the bathroom looking good. She has on black jeans with a white and maroon colored short sleeve button up and white dress shoes. I set my hand on her chest running them up and down her front.

"You look good Em."

"Thank you baby. And look delicious." She says leaning in and I pull back.

"I know what you're doing. You're going to take it too far."

"Brat." She says and I smack her stomach. Which hurt my hand a little.

"You flexed? Asshole!" I push her and she laughs before grabbing my hips and pulling me close.

"Oh come on. You love when I call you that."

"I hate it."

"You kind of like it."

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